Gospel Gazette Online
Volume 25 Number 4 April 2023
Page 11

Words of Eternal Life

Roger Wright

Preachers and church members often ask why people don’t seem to be interested in spiritual things anymore. The problem of apathy toward the things of God is not really a new problem at all.

The children of Israel who experienced the first Passover, crossed the Red Sea on dry land and ate the manna from heaven constantly complained and wished to go back to Egypt. In the days of Ezra, the people neglected the Temple of God to work on their own houses. In Jesus’ day, the people ate the bread and the fish that the Lord multiplied but had no appetite for the Bread which came down from Heaven. One after another, they went away (John 6:66-69).

Jesus must have been heartbroken when He asked His disciples if they would go away too. Peter boldly spoke, “…Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68 NKJV). How much better to fill our souls with the Word of the Lord than to fill our stomachs with food. Job said, “…I have treasured the words of His mouth More than my necessary food” (Job 23:12).

How hungry are we for the Word of the Lord? We rarely miss filling our bellies at least three times a day. Are we hungry enough to eat and drink from the Word of God at every opportunity? Do we attend each session of our Gospel meetings? Do we attend all of the Bible classes? Do we listen to sermons from the Bible? Do we read and study our Bibles at home? Do we pray for wisdom, understanding and faith to apply God’s Word to our lives?

The only way for us to have eternal life is through the Scriptures – the Word of God – by which we come to know the saving message of Christ. People around us are spiritually starved and spiritually dying, and yet, they don’t know it. Let this not be said of us. Jesus is the Bread of life (John 6:48). Having Jesus in our hearts and lives is vital to sustaining spiritual life. There is no other one Who can give us eternal life. Make it your aim to make the most of every opportunity to take in the message of Christ for the eternal life He offers to you.

$1,000 Rewards

I offer $1000 to the first person who can show me in the scriptures (the Bible) the following:

  1. The sinner’s prayer. This means one example in the New Testament (effective after the death of Christ, when our New Testament law came into effect, Hebrews 9:17) where an alien sinner (one who has never been saved) was saved or told to be saved by prayer.
  2. One New Testament example of someone being saved prior to baptism. (This is again effective after the death of Christ.)
  3. One place in the New Testament which says that baptism has nothing to do with one’s salvation, that one is saved and then later baptized to show what God has done for a person.
  4. Where the Bible says that Christ will come back to earth, set up a literal kingdom in Jerusalem and reign 1000 years

The reason for offering these rewards is to try to bring to people’s attention that some commonly held beliefs are not taught in God’s Word. You would think that if a person believes or teaches a doctrine for which he is offered $1,000 to reveal from God’s Word, one would either collect the reward or quit believing and teaching it. So far, no one has collected a $1,000 reward. It is still available (Write to me at L.C. Moore, 358 Moores Branch Rd., Beattyville, KY 41311 or call me at 606-464-9353).

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