What Do Disciples Do?
David Myers
A dictionary definition for “objective” is an “aim or end of action, point to be reached.” There’s an ancient proverb that says, “He who aims at nothing hits it every time.” As disciples of the Lord, we need to choose a life objective. As Christians, it’s important that we have an aim or an objective in life. Your life can be represented by a straight line that starts at birth with an arrow on the opposite end indicating the unknown. Say you have lived 20 years or so and have 40 years or more left. Here is the question you need to consider: “When you come to the end of those 40 years, and you have nothing but death to which to look forward – and nothing but memories to look back upon – what will you need to see in order for you to conclude, ‘My life was a success?’” You are not ready to live those 40 years until you have answered that question. With the Lord, you have aim and direction. The Lord Jesus was able to say in John 17:4, “I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do” (NKJV). Twice in the ministry of our Lord, in His ministry and at the cross, Jesus said He had “finished” the mission on which the Father had sent Him (John 17:4; 19:30).
When it comes to your life as His disciple, can you say the same thing to the Lord? “Lord, I have finished the work you gave me to do” (2 Timothy 4:6-8). Or, do you have a void in your heart? You can fill that void with the Lord Jesus Christ. He wants to fill that void. Please consider, prayerfully, the following questions: (1) What really counts in life? (2) What matters most to the Lord? (3) For whom should a person give his life? What do disciples do? They choose a life objective – Jesus!