Mark McWhorter
Saul was a strict Jew who persecuted Christians. He believed they should all die. He thought he was doing God’s will. In his mind, Christians were apostate Jews. Saul was on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-5). He was traveling there to arrest more Christians. Suddenly, there was a very bright light that surrounded him and those with him. A voice called Saul’s name. Saul wanted to know who it was. It was Jesus, Who said Saul was persecuting Him by persecuting Christians. Jesus said it was hard for Saul to kick against the pricks. What did Jesus mean by that? A prick, also known as a goad, was a sharp stick that farmers used to make the ox go forward. The ox might kick against that stick, but doing so was painful to the ox.
There were several well-known quotes in ancient times regarding humans and the goad. The Greek writer Pindar stated, “It is profitable to bear willingly the assumed yoke. To kick against the goad is pernicious conduct.” Terrence stated, “It is foolishness for thee to kick against the goad.” Euripides stated, “I, who am a frail mortal, should rather sacrifice to him who is a god, than, by giving place to anger, kick against the goad.” Jesus was telling Saul that refusing to accept Him and persecuting Christians would only lead to spiritual harm for Saul. The appearance of Jesus, and what Jesus told him, led Saul to tremble in astonishment (Acts 9:6). Saul wanted to know what he needed to do to obey Jesus.
Read your Bible. Learn what you need to do to obey Jesus. Be like Saul and humble yourself to do what Jesus wants you to do. If any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.
A Parent’s Encouragement
Cecil May, Jr.
My stepbrother’s mother was determined that he should go to church on Sunday. When he and his wife were at a period in their lives when they were not attending, his mother would call him early on Sunday mornings and let it ring until he or his wife answered. His mother would say, “I know you are not going to church this morning, but you are not going to sleep in either!” and then hang up.
Another one of the phone calls was to say, “I don’t know how I am going to be happy in Heaven without you there, but God says I will be happy, so I’ll just have to trust Him, because I don’t think I’ll be seeing you there” and hang up. She would call every Sunday morning with some saying like that.
When my daughter Betty was asked why she returned to the Lord, she replied, “My mother never stopped praying for me.” “My mother told me what mattered was my relationship with God, not what others are doing with God.” My stepbrother Charlie and daughter Betty are now active servants of the Lord in His church.
[Editor’s Note: Taking the Gospel to the whole world (Mark 16:15-16; James 1:5:19-20) begins with one’s own family. ~ Louis Rushmore, Editor]