Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Vol. 1, No. 4 Page 1 April 1999

Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Writers' Guidelines

Teaching articles by male and female members of the churches of Christ are welcome for consideration. (For clarification regarding our use of articles by sisters, please click here.) Articles should be a maximum of 1,200 to 1,500 words. Manuscripts are preferred over outlines.

The word "Article" should appear in the subject line and the article itself should be an attachment to your e-mail. Identify your word processor in the body of your e-mail. (We can read documents saved in WordPerfect through version 6 and MS-Word for Windows through Word97.) New writers for Gospel Gazette Online need to include a brief biographical sketch either as an attachment or in the body of the e-mail. A color photograph, if possible, should be sent as an attachment (gif or jpg) or submitted via snail-mail.

Please restrict use of Bible translations to the KJV, ASV and NKJV (except for comparisons). Spell out the Bible books in citations. Place "footnotes," if used, in-line within "( )." Capitalize "Word," "Truth," "Scripture" and "Gospel" when referring to the Bible. Do not capitalize personal pronouns referring to Deity.

Gospel Gazette Online will provide each writer whose article is published a free advertisement as a token of appreciation. ~ Editor.

Louis Rushmore, Editor
Paul Hoover, Associate Editor
Allen Webster, Associate Editor
Mark McWhorter, Youth Page Editor
Rebecca Rushmore, Copy Editor

Inside This Issue
In the Belly of a Big Fish
     by Louis Rushmore
Asleep In The Storm
     by Allen Webster
Applying Obadiah
     by Paul Hoover
     by Dennis Gulledge
Finding A Lost Child
     by Barbara Hanna
     by Larry W. Lemasters
The Little Servant Girl
     by Elizabeth Robison
Mrs. Job--A Portrait of Defection
     by Wayne Jackson
Jezebel: Forever an Evil Name
     by Rebecca Rushmore
Spiritual Unemployment
     by J.J. Turner
Standing Up For Jesus (Part 2)
     by David Anguish
Sarah: Whose Daughters Ye Are
     by Peggy Pharr
     by By Steven P. Smithbauer
Youth Page: Stewardship Alphabet
& Can You Eat Meat?

     by Mark McWhorter
Since You Asked (Q&A)
     by Louis Rushmore
Church Listings & Classifieds
Display Advertising, News & Upcoming Events
World Evangelism: Greece
World Evangelism: India

Copyright 1999, conditions of use
Gospel Gazette Online
Louis Rushmore, Editor
4325 Southeast Drive
Steubenville, Ohio 43953-3353
rushmore@gospelgazette.com https://www.gospelgazette.com/ webmaster@gospelgazette.com