Happy Mother's Day
We have enjoyed a very good response to
our column Since You Asked. Therefore, and because we were really
getting backed up with good questions, five pages in this issue are dedicated
to these “Questions & Answers.” Two or more questions and answers appear
on each of these pages. Still, though, several questions remain to be answered,
some of which will doubtless appear in future issues of Gospel Gazette
Online. We hope that you enjoy them as much as we have and derive
much edification from them, too. Also, we are still looking for good, biblically
accurate, teaching articles for possible inclusion in later issues.
Remember to contact us if you want to be reminded each
month when the new issue is ready for viewing. Also, contact us for
advertising in the pages of Gospel Gazette Online.
Louis Rushmore, Editor
Allen Webster, Associate Editor
External Evidences by David
P. Everson
Youth Page by Mark McWhorter
Since You Asked by Louis Rushmore
Production Staff includes:
Bonnie Rushmore, office manager
Rebecca Rushmore, proofreader