Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Vol. 2, No. 5 Page 1 May 2000

Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles
If at first you don't succeed, do it the way your mother told you!

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Please, e-mail us to tell us in what church bulletins you caused the URL for the Gospel Gazette Online to appear. Come on, let's hear from you. ~ Editor

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Navigational Hint: Click on blue, underlined text and any graphics that turn the cursor into a hand to follow the link.  For instance, clicking on most of the author names on the respective articles activates links to biographical sketches and often photographs.  Or, click on the graphic for respective department heads atop articles to follow those links. 

Louis Rushmore, Editor
Allen Webster, Associate Editor

External Evidences by
David P. Everson
Messianic Prophecies by D. Gene West
Parables of Our Lord by Louis Rushmore
Since You Asked by Louis Rushmore
Youth Page by Mark McWhorter

Production Staff includes:
Bonnie Rushmore, office manager
Rebecca Rushmore, proofreader

Inside This Issue
Parables of Our Lord
     by Louis Rushmore
The Parable of the Leaven
     by Allen Webster
A Decent Devil?
External Evidences
     by David P. Everson
Great Dragons: The Dinosaurs

The Waters of the Flood

     by Louis Rushmore
The Role of Women
in the Church
The Way of Cain
     by D. Gene West
Messianic Prophecies
     by D. Gene West
Shiloh the Peacemaker
Youth Page
     by Mark McWhorter
May I Have This Dance?
     by Steve Higginbotham
The Way
     by Paul Hoover
So Much to Think About,
So Little Time
     by Rebecca Rushmore
Studying the Bible
     by Kevin Rhodes
Since You Asked
     by Louis Rushmore
Interracial Marriage

Praying for One Another

The Creeds And 
Confusion Of Christendom
     by Basil Overton
Who Should Lead Our Worship
     by Chuck Northrop
My Father’s Business
     by Dennis "Skip" Francis
Church Listings & Classifieds
Display Advertising, News & Upcoming Events
Since You Asked
     by Louis Rushmore
Women Preachers

Public Prayers by Women

Since You Asked
     by Louis Rushmore
Religious Holidays: Easter

Biblical Bunny?

Funding the
Work of the Church

Copyright 1999, conditions of use
Gospel Gazette Online
Louis Rushmore, Editor
4325 Southeast Drive
Steubenville, Ohio 43953-3353
rushmore@gospelgazette.com https://www.gospelgazette.com/ webmaster@gospelgazette.com