Vol. 4, No. 1 |
January, 2002 |
| ~ Page 15 ~ |
Probably all of us are familiar with the children's song, "This Little Light Of Mine." I have specific memories of enthusiastically singing it as a child, and I still sing it today with Matthew. The song teaches the importance of our Christian example and how we need to demonstrate Christ to our communities through the way we live our lives.
In particular, one verse of the song says, "Don't let Satan blow it out, I'm gonna let it shine…" The danger of allowing the Devil to "blow out" our lights is very real. Through enticing temptations, Satan can, in a moment, destroy our influence in the eyes of our community. Through sexual temptation, alcohol, drugs, dishonesty and greed, our Christian light can be "blown out." That's not to say we are helpless from then on out. It is to say, however, that re-lighting your candle so that it shines brightly before your neighbors and peers is often difficult. It's like trying to start a fire going, but it will probably take time. Yes, the Devil can through worldly devices, "blow out our candles."
But that's not the half of it! Not only can the Devil use worldly devices to destroy our example, he can use my very own brethren to accomplish the same thing. Allow the Devil to get a grip in the lives of some members of the Lord's church, and just see what damage he can do!
Let the Devil get a hold of some brethren and see what harm they can cause through gossip. Many faithful children of God have been ruined in a community because of some scandalous gossip that was perpetuated by their own brethren. Please, don't blow out your brother's candle.
The Devil sometimes gets a hold of some brethren and uses them to cause discontent within a congregation. When this happens, brethren are often so blinded by this spirit of discontentment that they can see no good. Consequently, brethren who are working as hard and diligently as they know how for the cause of Christ become discouraged and disheartened. Please, don't blow out your brother's candle!
We need to do our best to let our lights shine before the world that the world might glorify Christ (Matthew 5:16). It's hard enough on all of us to keep the Devil from blowing out our candles. We certainly don't need our own brethren trying to do the same. Let's be sure we stand together, shoulder to shoulder and hold forth our candles and let our lights shine for Christ. But let's also be sure that while we are standing shoulder to shoulder, we're not trying to blow out each other's candle.
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