Vol. 4, No. 3 |
March, 2002 |
| ~ Page 14 ~ |
A valuable lesson to communicate to youngsters is that actions have consequences. Sinful conduct has serious negative consequences, but moral conduct produces positive results. That is what Paul was getting at when he wrote, "The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23).
It is generally believed that it is impossible to live an exciting, joyous and fulfilled life while at the same time serving Christ. That's simply not true. I would argue that it is impossible to live a full and meaningful life unless one is a Christian. Jesus saith that he had come that we "might have life" and that life in him is "abundant" (John 10:10). To live life fully, we must live it as Christians.
Many today do not know, but Jesus knew that God's laws were given to enrich life. When the Word of God prescribes a certain type of conduct, we can be confident that life will be more rewarding if we listen. When the Bible prohibits something, it is because it is in our best interest to avoid it. If we don't, we should be prepared to face the consequences.
Adam and Eve were driven from the garden because they did not listen to God. With their transgression, sin entered the world. As a result of sin, they were separated from God. Life became difficult. Death -- eternal separation from God -- became a reality. What God had pronounced as very good (Genesis 1:31) was now corrupted. Childbearing became more difficult for women and labor more arduous for men. Adam would now have to earn his way by the sweat of his brow. We continue to reap the fruits of their rebellion. The wages of sin are steep!
The story does not have to end tragically. Jesus came to restore all that had been lost in Eden. He offered himself as the sacrifice for man's sin. Follow him and there is life -- abundant and eternal life! Reject him and life is filled with misery and heartache. There is no hope! There is only "a certain fearful looking for of judgment, and fiery indignation" (Hebrews 10:27).
What awaits us in eternity is determined by the choices we make now. We must walk in the steps of Jesus. It will not only enrich our lives here, but hereafter!
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