In Luke
19:28-44, we read of the Triumphant
Entry into the city of Jerusalem.
We all remember how, in fulfillment of prophecy, he rode on the colt of a
donkey upon which no one had ever ridden; the people threw their clothing in
his path and spread it with palm leaves according to Matthew’s account of the
incident. The people broke forth in a loud anthem saying, “Blessed is the
King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the
highest.” The Pharisees, who by this time were determined
that he should not live long on this earth, insisted that he should rebuke the
crowd for praising him as they were, but the Lord refused to do that and told
them that if the people did not praise him the stones would immediately cry out
in praise of him. As Jesus continued to make his entry into the holy city in
which God’s Temple
was found, the Bible tells us he began to weep over her. While weeping, he
addressed the ancient city of Jerusalem
as if she were a person, saying, “If you had known, even you, especially in this your
day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from
your eyes.” Then he began to prophesy of the downfall of Jerusalem telling this
great city that her enemies would throw up an embankment around her and
surround her on every side. Not only so, but her enemies were going to “level you, and
your children within you, to the ground and they will not leave in you one
stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.”
The latter part of this prophecy, no doubt, refers to the destruction of
Herod’s great, magnificent and beautiful Temple,
since these are the words the Lord used in Matthew
24 regarding its destruction.
The phrase that intrigues us, however, is “If you had known.”
What was it that Jerusalem
did not know that she should have that would have kept her from being destroyed
had she known it? Jesus answered that question when he said, “the things that
make for your peace!” Of what did the Lord speak when he used this
language? He was telling this ancient and once holy city that if it had
recognized and accepted him as Messiah and accepted his teaching regarding the
nature of the kingdom, it would not have suffered the destruction that was soon
to come upon it at the hands of the Romans. But the Jews had already decided
the nature of the kingdom they wanted, and though, according to Matthew 21:33-46, they knew he was the Messiah,
yet they said, “This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and seize his inheritance.” In
order to show them what they had done, Jesus quoted Psalm 118:22-23 regarding
the rejected stone (Christ) becoming the chief cornerstone. Also, in the
Matthew text, Jesus prophesied, “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God
will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it” (Matthew
21:43). Jesus went on to say, in Matthew 21:44,
“And whoever
falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him
to powder” (Matthew 21:44). By this he meant the one who fell upon the
rejected Stone begging for mercy and salvation will be broken, humbled and
subsequently healed spiritually, “but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to
powder.” This is a reference to complete destruction. The
chief priests and others understood precisely what Jesus was saying and to whom
he was saying it, so they sought to lay hands on him that they might kill him.
The things that would have made for the peace of Jerusalem would have been
for it to have accepted our Lord as the Messiah. If it had known the teachings
of the prophets the Jews stoned and killed; if they had known that God expected
them to accept his Son as Messiah and that he wanted them to forget about a
physical kingdom in which they would compete with the other kingdoms of the world.
If they had turned their minds and hearts to the spiritual verities rather than
the things of the world, they would not have been ground to powder when the
Stone fell upon them in vengeance and wrath in the fall of the once great city,
her religion and her Temple.
Friends, Judaism as it was practiced in the Temple is gone forever and will never be
restored. God saw to that when the Romans destroyed the once holy city.