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Vol.  9  No. 11 November 2007  Page 3
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Lessons Learned from Adam and Eve

By Rodney Nulph

Rodney Nulph

    When we consider the very first couple, Adam and Eve, we are made to ponder the reason for their transgression of God’s Law. Although centuries removed from that Paradise, the lessons are as relevant as the current breath on our lips. Moses records the events for us in somewhat great detail in Genesis 3:1-7. While there are many lessons one could learn from that first couple, let us consider three of great significance.

    In the first place, from the first couple we learn the importance of a godly mate. How different would this narrative read if Eve would have had the support of a godly mate, or if Adam would have had Eve’s positive persuasion? When the serpent came to her and tempted her to sin (cf. Genesis 3:4), what strength could she have gained if only Adam would have stepped up and accepted his spiritual responsibility. A terrible recipe indeed is found when one mate has not the strength from the other! The importance of a godly mate cannot be over-emphasized! Young and old alike, before you make that lifelong commitment to a person of the opposite sex, ask yourself, “Will this person help me go to heaven?” We learn from the first couple the importance of a godly mate.

    In the second place, from the first couple we learn the intention of the Serpent. Satan came to Eve with the very intent to cause her to succumb to temptation, thus becoming separated from God. Did Eve really believe Satan’s lie that she would not die, although God had already made it perfectly clear that death would be unavoidable if this first couple did not follow God’s commands (cf. Genesis 2:17; 3:4)? Why is it the case that we as humans are so naïve when it comes to sin and Satan’s schemes? Why are we often so quick to believe a lie and shun the truth? Hindsight proves that the Serpent’s intention was to bring separation between man and God. The Serpent was and is crafty, sly and very subtle (cf. Genesis 3:1; Ephesians 6:11). He never announces himself for who he really is, but rather “slithers” around with the total intent to destroy all that is good and right. Satan’s intention is to take mankind into sin farther than he wants to go, keep him longer than he wants to stay and cost him more than he ever imagined! We learn from the first couple the intention of the Serpent.

    In the third place, from the first couple we learn the influence of a choice. Each one has many choices to make every day. The choices we make in life essentially determine the outcome of our lives. The choice Adam and Eve made to eat of the forbidden fruit cost them a great deal (cf. Genesis 3:16-19). The choices we make in life are so important! One choice can change the day and ultimately change our lives, either negatively or positively. When mankind chooses according to the flesh, and the desires therein, the consequences will always be severe! “O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23). We need God’s written revelation (i.e. the Bible), to direct us in making the proper choices. We learn from the first couple the influence of a choice.

    Centuries removed from that peaceful Eden, and yet the storm of sin still lingers near. Have we learned the importance of a godly mate? Do we understand the intention of the Serpent? And do we realize the influence of a choice? When you, dear reader, are confronted with your forbidden fruit, remember the lessons learned from Adam and Eve!

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