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Vol.  9  No. 10 October 2007  Page 3
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I Wish More People Were Like God

By Rodney Nulph

Rodney Nulph

    The above reflective and sobering statement was made to me by a sister in Christ just recently. In the midst of a trying time in her life, she said, “I wish people were more like God!” The immediate context of that statement involved forgiveness and the wonderful blessings afforded those whose sins are covered (cf. Romans 4:7). That statement is one of which, since that day, I have not forgotten. In fact, that statement keeps coming forth in my mind and is the motivation behind this article. I, too, wish people were more like God!

    I wish people were more like God, when it comes to their compassion. God’s compassion is clearly seen in the parable of the Prodigal Son (cf. Luke 15:20). Although the son in this parable had committed sin and made some grave mistakes, the father still had compassion on the son, and upon his repentance the father was able to accept the son. When it comes to our daily involvement with others, do we exemplify that father’s compassion? Or is it the case that we condescendingly look down upon others who have made errors? Do we really forgive when that erring one returns? Or do we have the arrogant attitude of the elder brother (cf. Luke 15:25ff)? Oh, how I wish people were more like God when it comes to compassion!

    I wish people were more like God, when it comes to their character. The very character of God is seen in his unmerited favor toward all of mankind. God’s grace has appeared unto all men (cf. Titus 2:11), enabling each and every person the opportunity to be saved (cf. 2 Peter 3:9). The character of God, especially when it comes to salvation, is not limited to certain people who have advanced degrees, abundant resources or affluent status. God is not a God of favoritism (cf. Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11), but rather is ready and willing to accept any and all who obey the Gospel (cf. Acts 10:35). Are we, as God’s children, really unbiased in our character? Do we look at the poor and rich in the same light (cf. James 2:1ff)? Oh, how I wish people were more like God when it comes to their character!

    I wish people were more like God when it comes to their commitment. God will stick by each one, no matter what the difficulty or trial (cf. 2 Timothy 4:17; Hebrews 13:5). Truly God is a friend that sticks closer than a brother (cf. Proverbs 18:24). However, as humans, are there not times that we fail to stay close to the one who is going through a great difficulty? “Oh, I will be there for you” are often times just words with no substance. When another needs help, encouragement, support or strength, are we really committed? Oh how I wish people were more like God when it comes to their commitment!

    Dear reader, what about you and me? Will we be more like God in the above mentioned areas, or will we simply be content to let Satan rule our lives? Being more like God must be the goal of every child of his. Be compassionate, display unbiased character and be totally committed, and in doing so you will be more like God!

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