There are many verses of Scripture that deal with man’s
necessity to be a good steward of his possessions, recognizing that all
actually belongs to God. Paul stated, “Moreover, it is
required in stewards
that one be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2). Solomon
said, “Honor the Lord
with your possessions” (Proverbs 3:9). The master in the
parable of the talents
condemned the man who was given one talent because he failed to be a
steward of what had been entrusted to him. God said to the rich farmer
of Luke 12
who had hoarded what he had, “Fool! This
night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things
be which
you have provided?”
Let us be honest with ourselves. Are we being good
stewards of the bountiful blessings God has given to each of us. What
your time? How much of it do you use in studying God’s Word,
in worship to Him
and in everyday service to Him? What talents have you dedicated to His
How terrible on that day of accounting to hear the Master say,
“…cast the
unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 25:30).
What kind of
steward are you?
with God
Ernest S. Underwood
There are folks who like to “dicker.” In Mexico
and other countries, when the tourist sees something he wishes to
purchase, the
seller expects to dicker the price. It can be fun as long as neither
one is
unfairly treated in the transaction.
It is my firm conviction that there are those even in
our locality who have an idea in the back of their mind that they will
be able
to negotiate with God on the Day of Judgment. After all, in this life
they can
bribe politicians, judges and make “back street”
deals to get what they want.
“Why not with God?” seems to be the attitude.
Let’s notice a couple of verses
in the Bible that lets us know that there will be no negotiation with
“God in His divine mercy has given to us all things
that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). God in His
love and goodness
has given us all that we need. In Matthew
some tried to plead their case. Their plea was rejected on the basis
that they
knew their responsibility but chose their own way instead. Then, this
verse says it all: “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in
heaven” (Psalm
119:89). The word is settled, no negotiation or dickering.
Don’t be deceived,
God will not be mocked.