By Marilyn LaStrape
How many times have we heard that statement? How many times have we said, “I had no choice?” We always have a choice! The only question to be answered is this: Are we willing to accept personal responsibility for the choices we make no matter what? It is those mind-numbing, life changing consequences of our choices that are sometimes almost impossible for us to face and handle!
When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the freedom of choice. Since He placed them in the Garden of Eden, the human race has been confronted with making choices between right and wrong, good and evil.
We make choices every day God gives us. Some of the choices we made when we were younger are affecting our lives to this day! Some of the choices we are presently making will impact us until our lives end! We begin to make some of these major life directing choices early in life.
make the choice to graduate from high school or college.
We make the choice to struggle through those years of high school and
for several years, or we make the
choice to drop out of high school or college and struggle, in many
for the rest of our lives. Solomon said in
We make the choice to move to another area, state, or country or stay where we were brought up from childhood. That choice alone will many times dictate our employment opportunities and possibilities of advancement in that line of work. That choice many times also dictates whether we will someday move from that location or if we end up living and working there until retirement.
make the choice to marry or to
stay single. Marriage is ordained by God. After God created
We make the choice to have children or not to have children. Psalm 127:3-4 says, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.” Children who are brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord are a blessing indeed to their parents. Children left to rear and guide themselves will ultimately bring shame and disgrace to their parents. There are those who have regretted their choice to have children or not to have children. Either choice cannot be overstated or underestimated!
We make the choice to have
a job/career, or to live off the
government, or live from
another’s financial means,
or go into a life of crime to obtain
money. From the beginning God’s expectation has been for us
to w-o-r-k for a living!
make the choice to be health conscious or
not to be conscientious about our physical
and dental health. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Paul
us in
make the choice to follow God or Satan. God has
given us two choices in paying our debt of sin that we owe to Him. We
can all
understand debt, especially in the current economic atmosphere! Some of
us pay
our debts; and then there are those who do not. What we must understand
our sin debt is that it will be
paid! Our first choice is to accept the price that Jesus Christ made in
of our debt when He died on
Scripture overflows with
passages urging us to choose
between right and wrong, good and evil. Our choice to serve God and
keep His
commandments will permeate and direct every other choice we make. Moses
presented the children of