Vol. 11 No. 7 July 2009 |
Page 14 |
Ernest S. Underwood
An old judge told of a troublesome dog that whenever the moon was shining, went out and barked at it all night! Someone asked the judge what eventually came of the matter. “Oh,” said the judge, “the moon just kept on shining.”
One of the hardest things for a Christian to do is to keep on shining when being barked at by others. Many times even insignificant matters can disturb and discourage us. Paul’s approach was to “Press on to the goal…” (Philippians 3:14).
No doubt, the enemies of Christ often barked at Him and tried to get Him to react in a mean and sinful way. However, He was the light of the world and wouldn’t give up His glory. He just kept on shining, and in doing that, He left us an example to follow when those who are teaching error bark at you for exposing their error. Do you bark at those who try to teach you the truth?
Ernest S. Underwood
Have you ever been so tired that you just wanted lie down and rest for a long time? Just as one’s physical body can become weary with the toils of labor, so the soul can become weary of the heavy burden of sin.
Jesus gave the answer. It is found in Matthew 11:28-30. Listen to His words of invitation to every soul that is tired of sin and the burden it causes one to carry: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Notice please, that the one who comes to Him, comes at His invitation; they take His yoke; they are submitting to Him. His burden is light. It is His rest one enters.
QUESTION: Have you placed your burden of sin on Him by your obedience to His Word, or are you still in the clutches of denominationalism? Read 2 Corinthians 13:5.