Vol. 11 No. 7 July 2009 |
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Rodney Nulph, Associate Editor
Surely, one of the most wonderful words in the English language is the word home. When we think of home, most think of a place of joy, encouragement, hope, security and fun-filled activities. God’s institution of the home is certainly one of man’s greatest blessings (cf. Genesis 2:18). In fact, it has been said, “The highest happiness on earth is marriage” (Phelps qtd. in Wilmeth 11). Although home is a great blessing indeed, some homes are not what God desires for them to be. Have you ever wondered what God and others see as they view your home from the outside in?
In the long ago, an interesting, thought provoking question was asked of King Hezekiah concerning his home. “What have they seen in thine house?” (2 Kings 20:15a) was the question Isaiah, the prophet, initially asked Hezekiah. This question, as Old Testament Bible students know, was asked rhetorically to Hezekiah because of what he had shown the Babylonian embassy. Although this question was asked under a slightly different context, there is still legitimate application to be made for families today.
“What have they seen in thine house?” concerning daily Bible reading and study? A grown Christian man in the congregation where I preach recalled to me recently, how he remembers his father and mother daily reading and studying the Scriptures. Consequently, by knowing this man, I can tell that particular memory had a positive influence on his life. I wonder sometimes if our children, once grown, could relate a similar positive account. Do we, as parents, take time each day to read and study the Scriptures (cf. 2 Timothy 2:15)? Do we, as parents, take the time each day to give our children a healthy dose of God’s Word (cf. Deuteronomy 6:7ff)? As God and others view our homes from the outside in, what do they see concerning our daily Bible reading and study?
“What have they seen in thine house?” concerning the daily treatment of each other? Do mom and dad treat each other with respect, honor and dignity as God expects (cf. Ephesians 5:22ff; 1 Peter 3:1-7)? Shouldn’t Christians, of all people, be kind, pleasant and polite to each other in the home? It is a bit humbling and maybe even a bit frightening to realize that our children learn at a very early age how to treat their future mates from our treatment of each other as married couples. A person who mistreats his/her mate should surely reevaluate his Christianity! As God and others view our homes from the outside in, what do they see concerning our treatment of each other?
“What have they seen in thine house?” concerning daily sincere faith? Is the Christianity you profess on Sunday the same Christianity that you profess the other six days a week? Sincere faith is not a mask or cloak that we take off Monday-Saturday and put back on Sunday! Sincere faith is lived daily and evidences itself in a real walk with God. Suggestive jokes, gossip, backbiting, unwillingness to forgive, jealousy and covetousness, et al. are all opposite of sincere faith (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21). Does your home really evidence sincere faith? As God and others view our homes from the outside in, what do they see concerning daily sincere faith?
When you depart from this life in death, will the lasting impression you leave behind be positive or negative regarding your home? Will others in the family remember you for your daily Bible reading and study, and sharing that with them? Will they remember your kind, polite and pleasant treatment of them, and your daily sincere faith evidenced by a real walk with God? Most importantly, what will God remember when He views the home you left behind? The way we live determines our legacy for the future! How’s your legacy? “What have they seen in thine house?”