Gospel Gazette Online
Vol. 12 No. 12 December 2010
Page 8

Every Moment of Every Day

Robert Rawson“Today is the first day for the rest of your life,” an adage named to and spoken of everyone. God’s teaching is of even greater blessing than the adage. For with God we (Isaiah 49:8) can use the hour of decision for the Lord. Paul, by inspiration, reaches back to this Old Testament statement and applies it to the church at Corinth (2 Corinthians 6:2). When Jesus prayed for His disciples to be sanctified by the truth (John 17:17) and noted “Thy word is truth,” He wanted His disciples to receive and immediately begin the practice of a ‘set apart’ life. When we believe (John 8:24), we need to move onto a sorrow for sin that leads us to turn away from sin (repent, Luke 13:3, 5). Confessing Jesus as Lord (Matthew 10:32) brings a person to baptism into Christ (Galatians 3:24-27) and, thus, putting on Christ. Further, when a person comes into Christ, he is Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise.

Such a decision should not be delayed till the morrow. It’s not good to await another day. Obeying the Lord is the need of this minute, moment and hour. The examples in the Book of Acts of the Apostles show us the practice of these commands as each conversion occurred. Some (Acts 2, 8, 9, 10, 16, 19 and 22) were told to believe, others were told to believe and repent, others were told to repent and be baptized. Everyone being converted was told to be baptized for at that moment of time, he had not been baptized into Christ. Note the men of Ephesus in Acts 19 having been baptized of John the Baptist, had not followed his teaching about following Christ and the knowledge of the Holy Ghost. John had prepared the way for the Lord (Mark 1:1- 5), but baptism by the authority of Jesus Christ was necessary for them. They did not quibble about it. They had the spirit of serving the Lord.

Further, after Simon was baptized (Acts 8), he sinned openly in desiring the power of the apostleship and the ill use of the Holy Ghost, perhaps in his enterprise of magical arts. However, when Peter told him, “They heart is not right with God …repent, therefore, of this thy wickedness and pray God…,” Simon was quickly willing to ask Peter to pray for him that he suffer no ill effects from God for his sinfulness. Immediately, he wanted to be forgiven. Note that he did not return to faith and baptism into Christ for salvation. He had already demonstrated his faith and was baptized. Now, he needed to repent and pray. He wanted the physical person to become more and more the spiritual person in following the Lord. He did not delay his start.

What about your decision for the Lord? Have you already wasted time? Is today the day for your salvation, or is this the day of returning to the Lord as Simon did? Should you delay?

Two Spiritual Kingdoms: Which for You?

Tim ChildsWhile things of this present sphere remain, political kingdoms will rise in dominance, peak and fall. There are, however, two spiritual kingdoms that will continue until the end of time: one is the kingdom of darkness, which is ruled by Satan and his evil cohorts; the other is the kingdom of heaven, also known as the kingdom of Jesus, the Christ. In addition to having different rulers, there are the following distinctive features:

The kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light have distinguishing objectives. The kingdom of heaven seeks to bless God’s creation, especially man; the other seeks to curse and destroy. The purpose of one is to provide life, give meaning and fulfillment, while Satan works to rob, steal and kill, to make us despondent under the gloom of misery and hopelessness.

The kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light bear distinguishing fruits. One produces chaos, confusion, lawlessness, selfishness, hatred, strife, division and death. Jesus, though, creates peace, unity, joy and love.

The kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light have distinguishing destinies. The kingdom of darkness will be overwhelmed and utterly conquered by the power and glory of Jesus at His coming. Satan, his angels, along with his willing and deceived followers, will be vanquished in everlasting destruction. Jesus, the King of righteousness, along with His angels and faithful followers, will glow in radiant splendor as He positions upon their heads eternal crowns of victory over Satan, sin and death. Presently, the Gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to translate you from the power of darkness, to deliver you from death and to give you life in the eternal kingdom. Which do you choose?

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