Gospel Gazette Online

Vol. 12 No. 6 June 2010

Page 9

Chaos or In the Beginning, God

Donald R. Fox

Donald R. Fox

What if you read about a subject that you do not understand or even grasp a small aspect of the topic? You could try to study the subject if you are interested enough. It may be that the study field is so deep and because of one’s lack of formal education, it may be beyond one’s capabilities. Recently, I read about such a complex topic. It is in denial of “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). This complex theory I read about is another hypothesis concocted by men who reject God and His creation. With this short introduction, let us ponder another speculation that denies God Almighty and His creation.

Some background may help! I noticed a full-page advertisement entitled, “Chaos Made Clear,” in the Popular Science magazine (February 2010 issue, page 31). The theory is called “Chaos” and is taught by Professor Steven Strogatz of Cornell University. Professor Strogatz claims to solve problems such as the origin of life and our consciousness coupled with a vast number of other areas that are encompassed by the theory of Chaos. It was very apparent that this philosophy was in complete opposition to what we believe about God Almighty and Genesis 1:1.

Have we ever observed that chaos, disorder and explosions created order? “For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God” (Hebrews 3:4).

As I pondered this multifaceted subject, it was obvious to me that it was beyond my comprehension. I asked myself what to do about it, and would folks be interested in learning more about the claims of Professor Strogatz. I came to the conclusion that I should bring the Professor’s premise to light via my essay and let the reader come to his/her own conclusions.

Theoretical Order from Disorder
(quotations by evolutionists)

“But let us have no illusions. If today we look into the situation where the analogy with the life sciences is the most striking – even if we discovered within biological systems some operations distant from the state of equilibrium – our research would still leave us quite unable to grasp the extreme complexity of the simplest of organisms” (Prigogine, Ilya, “Can Thermodynamics Explain Biological Order?” Impact of Science on Society, vol. 23, (July/September 1973) page178).

“The structure of the human brain is enormously complex. It contains about 10 billion nerve cells (neurons), which are interlinked in a vast network through 1,000 billion junctions (synapses). The whole brain can be divided into subsections, or subnetworks, which communicate with each other in network fashion. All this results in intricate patterns of intertwined webs, networks nesting within larger networks” (Capra, Fritjof, The Web of Life. New York: Anchor Books, 1996, page 82).

From George Wald, The Origin of Life, 1955, on page 9 he laments, “One has only to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet here we are – as a result, I believe, of spontaneous generation.” Yes, we are here and spontaneous generation is impossible, therefore we believe in God of the Bible.

NOTE: Quotations extracted from That Their Words May Be Used Against Them: Quotes from Evolutionists by Henry M. Morris

The Secularization of America

Steve Higginbotham

Steve Higginbotham

The term “secularization” may be unfamiliar with some people, so allow me to define it. Secularization means to “separate something from religious or spiritual connection and make it worldly or unspiritual.” In other words, secularization is the process of removing religious and moral influence from our society.

As you know, and many of you may remember first hand, there was a time when each school day began with a prayer. Of course, if such happened today, the ACLU would slap a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the school. This is an example of secularization.

Another example of the secularization of our society can be seen in the realm of sports. There was a time when our society would never think to schedule ball games on a Wednesday night, or especially on Sunday. That was due to the deference our society showed toward those who held Christian values and practices. However, those days are gone. Very little thought is given to the religious practices of some people when it comes to preparing a league schedule. This, too, is another example of secularization.

The latest episode of what I would term the blatant secularization of our society occurred last week in my son’s sixth grade classroom. Do you remember those “aptitude tests” that were given to students? These tests were given to help a child identify several possible professions that are suitable to a child’s likes and dislikes. Depending on the way a child answered certain questions, they might learn that they seemed suitable to pursue such professions as being a doctor, nurse, schoolteacher, plumber, mechanic or a host of other professions. I remember that my aptitude test said that I should be a Park Ranger when I grew up (I can see me now with a bullet in my pocket).

Well, imagine my surprise when my son returned home from school and told me about some of the suggested professions that were offered to several of his friends. One little girl was told she would make a good “bartender.” Another child was suited to work in a “winery.” Yet, another student was suitable to work as a “beer manufacturer.”

I was speechless. I do not know that I have witnessed a more blatant attempt to legitimize the alcohol industry. I cannot imagine what kind of questions could have been asked that would suggest a little sixth grade girl should become a “bartender.” Or, why would one be suitable to work as a “beer manufacturer” as opposed to a “soft drink manufacturer,” or simply be suitable for the “manufacturing industry?” (I could not help wonder if in Nevada, where prostitution is legal, if this profession was offered as a suitable profession for some students.)

It is obvious that the secularization of America is alive and well in our state school systems. More and more, we are witnessing attempts to remove Christian faith, morals and values from the public arena. This is yet another example of our move away from morality toward amorality. It is a move toward acceptance, tolerance and non-judgmentalism.

It certainly would be preferable to live in a Christian society, but it is not necessary. What is necessary is that if we want to raise faithful children, we had better get to work, and make their spiritual training a priority. If not, we will lose them to all the other, worldly influences that come to bear in their life.

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