Gospel Gazette Online
Volume 25 Number 7 July 2023
Page 15

I Wish I Had

Howard Alls

“I Wish I Had” were some of my dad’ last words. When I asked him what he would have done differently in his life, his response was, “I wish I had told more people about Jesus Christ.” As I gave thought to these words, I was reminded of the many spouses who I heard utter these words as they stood at my pharmacy counter telling me they had recently lost their spouses. Most would preface their feelings with the statement, “I wish we had.” With this thought in mind, I think of the following.

I wish I had accepted Christ in baptism.
I wish I had been more faithful in my church attendance.
I wish I had shared the Gospel with more folks.
I wish I had pursued teaching Bible classes.
I wish I had pursued mission work.
I wish I had read my Bible more.
I wish I had been more disciplined with my prayer life.
I wish I had more benevolent with my blessings.

I think you get the idea. What I listed only touches the fringe.

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