Gospel Gazette Online
Volume 25 Number 9 September 2023
Page 12

Five Reasons You’re a Blessing to Others

Justin Guin

  1. You’re a Christian. When others see you, they see Christ. The fruit the Spirit produces in your life blesses others. You are joyful when others need encouragement. Your patient endurance strengthens the faith of others.
  2. You have possession of the world’s greatest need. Paul wrote to the Corinthians describing the Gospel as a treasure in clay jars. We must share it with others.
  3. You stand for righteousness in a world of unrighteousness. We need more Christians with spiritual backbones. Courage is contagious. Your convictions inspire others to stand for the faith (1 Corinthians 15:58).
  4. Your words are an oasis of comfort in a desert of discouragement. A Christian’s speech is to be gracious (Colossians 4:6). Your words have undoubtedly extended grace to others, lifting them up when they were hurting or discouraged.
  5. You take the mantle of Christ seriously. Paul said, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1 NKJV). You seek to show the way to Heaven by word and deed. There will be someone with God for an eternity because of your influence.