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Bonnie & Louis Rushmore
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of Bonnie & Louis Rushmore

October 31

Burmese Bibles Burmese Language Bibles

Lord's Day morning, Wayne Barrier, JoAn and L.T. Gurganus as well as Bonnie and I assembled at the 8-Mile congregation, which meets in the home of Winsome and Sheila. Hnin Maung from the new delta congregation was present, and we gave him Bible coloring books and colored pencils, as well as 15 Burmese language Bibles. I am positive that he will use these few resources well.

Therman Hodge spoke at the assembly meeting in the home Kyaw Sein in Hmawbi, 45-minutes from Yangon. Sunday afternoon at about 4:00 p.m., we all met with the church meeting in the home of Esther, also in Yangon; on that occasion, L.T. taught the lesson during worship.

Sunday evening, the team plus Winsome and Sheila, experimented with Korean barbeque chicken at a restaurant across the street and down a little. "It wasn't like momma used to make," one could say, and the barrage of bugs flitting around the lights on the second story where we were eating, and constantly bombarding us as we ate, would have distracted us from the tastiest meal on the planet (whatever that might be).

October 30

Saturday was shopping day, which means going to Scott's Market in downtown Yangon. First, though, we stopped at the Defense Museum on the way. We spent about two hours touring army, air force and navy displays (sometimes in the dark with only daylight from distant exterior windows illuminating our path). No cameras were allowed, unfortunately.

Although we do buy some gifts for our family and friends, most of what we buy at Scott's Market is for giving tokens of appreciation to brethren who lodge us in their homes or provide a meal for us as we travel in the States; we drive about 3,000 miles monthly, trying to visit two congregations each Lord's Day and sometimes on Wednesdays, whereupon I give a PowerPoint presentation about our foreign and domestic labors for our Lord.

Yangon HarborOn the way back to the hotel, we paused briefly at Yangon's seaport. Upon returning to Yangon City Hotel, we showered and readied ourselves for supper at the Million Coin Restaurant, where we (the Rushmores, the Gurganuses, Therman, Doug and Wayne) were the guests of the co-directors of the Hmawbi Bible School, brethren Philip and Siang Thang. Back at the hotel again, we washed and ironed clothes.

October 25-29

Therman Teaching at the Hmawbi Bible SchoolMonday, our merry band of now four made the 45-minute journey by taxi to the Hmawbi Bible School. Bonnie taught ladies for about three hours. Doug taught the junior group for five hours, while Therman and I divided the five hours of classes of the senior group between ourselves.

When the day's classes concluded, we returned to our hotel in Yangon and showered the hot, humid day off of ourselves, in preparation for supper. Each evening during the week, teachers eat at the home of Winsome and Sheila Vertaines for some genuine Burmese cuisine. It is within a short walking distance, but first we must cross the busy six-lane street. It's almost like a sporting event; however, it is an event that one cannot afford to lose. For instance, it seems that every year when Bonnie and I are in India, we are aware of someone who died crossing a street. Monday evening, L.T. Gurganus arrived in Myanmar. Before retiring for the night, Bonnie and I washed clothes in the bathroom sink and rinsed them in the shower, after which hanging them in the bathroom for the night.

Tuesday morning, Doug, Therman, the Gurganuses, Bonnie and I had breakfast together in the hotel dining room. Every morning, we have watermelon, pineapple juice and eggs, and we augment that sometimes with french toast, silver dollar size pancakes, roasted potatoes, bacon (once) and toast. After breakfast, Bonnie and I hang our wet laundry on the curtain rod in front of the window of our room to take advantage of solar heat from the sun.

Louis Teaching at the Hmawbi Bible SchoolDoug and Therman went to the school to teach the respective groups of students. Upon their return about lunch time, Bonnie and I entered the taxi they exited for the return trip to the Bible school for the afternoon classes. We had eaten our lunch at Sweety World, near our hotel. We ordered a bacon sandwich and an order of fries and hoped for the best, since we were not able to communicate with the proprietors. We're not sure what we ate other than the fries, but it was satisfactory (maybe not a repeat request, but satisfactory). After returning from the school and readying ourselves for supper (showering and donning a fresh set of clothes), Therman, Doug, the Gurganuses, Bonnie and I walked to supper at Winsome and Sheila's home. I misjudged the traffic and about got myself run over; my only salvation was that the oncoming traffic swerved on either side of me.

L.T. Gurganus Teaching at the Hmawbi Bible SchoolWednesday was a repeat of Tuesday as far as the teaching arrangements at the Bible school were concerned. After supper that night, L.T. Gurganus led the devotional of we now six, along with Winsome and Sheila in their home.

Thursday morning after breakfast, we all, with the exception of Joanne Gurganus, went to the Hmawbi Bible School. We shared the teaching assignments throughout the day. At lunch, Therman, Doug and L.T. were invited to eat in the home of Kyaw Sein, while Bonnie and I remained behind to commence afternoon classes in a timely fashion after the students ate lunch; Bonnie and I munched on bananas and snacks we brought with us from America. After school concluded for the day, and on the way back toward Yangon, we stopped at the WWII memorial cemetery on our route; 27,000 Indian, Burmese, British and Americans (four) are buried there; the cemetery receives daily maintenance and is immaculate, besides the impressive columns and structures gracing it.

After supper, Bonnie used a Burmese cell phone and was able to call Rebecca, our daughter. The Burmese government has shut down Internet in the country prior to the November 7 elections it has scheduled, the first time in about 20 years. For days, email has not worked either, but finally some emails got through. Tomorrow, the government is shutting down all international phone calls, also with respect to the upcoming election.

Back at the hotel, Bonnie and I once more attended to washing our clothes; the day after we wash, we must iron the shirts, blouses and longis (skirts for women and men). Meanwhile, Winsome took Therman and Doug to the large pagoda in downtown Yangon; it is both magnificent as it covers blocks and is several stories high, but also disturbing due to the vast array of idolatry there.

White ElephantFriday, the Gurganuses, Therman and Doug taught the morning classes at Hmawbi, while Bonnie and I took the taxi back to Hmawbi after their return for the afternoon classes. That morning, Wayne Barrier arrived, and Bonnie and I spent some time with him, as well as with Winsome and Kyaw Sein; we, minus brother Sein, had lunch at a little cafe that we had not visited before. Returning from Hmawbi, we stopped to see the White Elephants on display, which are important symbols to the Burmese people respecting their history.

We were informed on Friday that the government has cancelled all domestic airplane flights until after the election on November 7; already, factories have been closed for a week or two. Now we have to determine if the international flights will continue as usual, or will we be required to leave the country even sooner than we anticipated or will we be required to remain longer than we had planned; we had cut 10 days from our stay here at the request of brethren to get us out of the country before the elections.

October 24

Lord's Day Worship at Kyaw Sein HomeSunday morning, Bonnie and I rode to Hmawbi to worship with brethren in the home of Kyaw Sein; about 20 were present. I presented the lesson during worship. After worship, we were guests for lunch at the Sein home.

Julia Sein Resupplied with Bible Story Coloring Books and Colored PencilsWe also took this opportunity to replenish teaching supplies, this time, namely Bible story coloring books and colored pencils, for Julia Sein, Kyaw Sein's daughter. At the same time, we noted the Asho Bibles and Hymnals that Bible and literature money provided by American brethren made possible for distribution by Kyaw Sein and his son, Amos.

After lunch, we rode several more miles to revisit the proprietor of the nursery school where Bonnie and I, along with Rebecca Rushmore and Randy Gaddy, taught English and Bible this summer. We were greeted with refreshments and well wishes.

Asho Bibles and HymnalsLater in the afternoon upon returning to Yangon, Bonnie and I, along with Therman and Doug, met for worship at the home of Esther; there were about 20 persons present. In the morning, Therman taught the lesson for the church meeting in the home of Sheila and Winsome, also in Yangon.

Lord's Day Worship at Esther's Home

October 22-23

Friday was a travel day; we took the scenic route from Kakinada along the Bay of Bengal on our way to Vishakhapatnam, India. This was a four-hour jaunt, at first over some of the poorest roads before getting on National Highway 5. In Kakinada, we saw fishing boats under construction, and along the shore leaving Kakinada, we saw numerous boats and fish laid out to dry in the sun.

In Vishakhapatnam, we boarded a plane to Hyderabad, where we would board another plane destined for Bangkok, Thailand, where we would board another plane headed for Yangon, Myanmar. We flew an hour and 40 minutes between Vishak (for short) to Hyderabad, and we flew about three and a half hours to Bangkok and nearly an hour and a half to Yangon. At Bangkok, we were joined by Douglas Germarad, brother-in-law of Wayne Barrier, and we four continued our trip to Yangon. We traveled by airplane all night and arrived in Myanmar at 8:50 a.m. on Saturday.

View from the Roof of the Yangon City HotelLater, we four walked a block or so from the Yangon City Hotel, where we were lodging, to 8 Mile Junction Mall (a grocery store and some small shops on the two lower floors of an apartment house) where we ordered some supper in a little cafe. It was quaint, and we sat on two porch swings on either side of a table. We had fried chicken and french fries.

October 20-21

Wednesday, we traversed the narrow, broken roads until reaching better highways to the b in Kakinada, India. John Dean graciously drove us the hour or so. Since the Gootams had kinfolk visiting and staying with them, we lodged at an inn a block away. Happily, we wimpy Americans had AC, but we were still experimenting with bucket and cup bathing in cold water.

Correspondence Course RoomThe first order of business was to tour the church facilities. Among the details was the extensive Bible correspondence course program, which mails 3,000 letters daily. Over a million requests have come from TV and radio programming produced by the Gootams. About half of the 26-lesson courses are completed within one month of the student receiving them ; leads are distributed to church leaders in the areas in which Bible correspondence course students reside.

The church there has an orphanage of 80 children, a vocational sewing program for young women and produces other literature (magazines in multiple languages of India, DVDs and tracts). The Gootams augment these good works with extensive Gospel meetings within driving distance of Kakinada and an annual lectureship at the meetinghouse. An additional floor is nearly complete, which will provide better accommodations for the orphans.

Church of Christ in KakinadaWednesday night, we worshipped with the church in Kakinada, whereupon Therman preached. Thursday afternoon we rode to a distant village for a special service being hosted by a congregation celebrating the anniversary of being in their new building, already too small and under construction to enlarge it. Building AnniversaryAbout 90 people were present, and both Therman and I preached the Word of God. On the way back to Kakinada, we stopped by another church building where the preacher had recently died of TB; we met his widow and daughter. I photographed their communion ware.

Communion Ware

Gospel MeetingLater that night, we drove to another village for a night Gospel meeting. We knew we had to be at our destination because we ran out of road. One might say that this was the poorest part of the village. The electricity was out when we arrived and came on and went off repeatedly while we were there, necessitating the use of candles. The resident water buffalo had to be moved from in front of the entry door (under roof) to gain access to the church building; immediately overhead on a ledge upon entering was a live rooster. Gospel MeetingPer usual, everyone was seated on the floor. I preached on this occasion, and on our departure we were awarded one live chicken and a pint of fresh water buffalo milk, plus some fruit; these items were for the children's home back in Kakinada. Everywhere that we go we are kindly entreated, and this was no exception. Besides leis, we drank milk from coconuts.

October 18-19

Welcome at Skinner Garden

Early Monday morning, our happy trio departed from the Bangalore airport for Rajahmundry's airport, a flight of a little over three hours. John Dean from Skinner Garden was waiting for us, and he took us to the compound 40 kilometers away; the roadway gave way to broken pavement and muddy ruts before our arrival at Skinner Garden. Nowhere have Skinner Garden Vocational Coursemore people arrayed themselves to greet us than here. Skinner Garden has within its walls an orphanage of 106 children, the local congregation's meetinghouse, a widows' home, a live-in vocational program (sewing) for young women and an extensive garden that virtually sustains staff and residents.

Skinner Garden Farm Skinner Garden Farm

Among those new faces with whom we became acquainted Monday and Tuesday were those of Wayne and Charlotte Orr from the Killen, AL Church of Christ. We know Wayne's mother, Ruth, through interaction with World Evangelism in Winona, MS and at the Annual Maywood Missionary Retreat outside of Hamilton, AL.

Immediately, we began teaching classes by day and preaching Gospel meetings in distant places by night. Therman and I shared opportunities over two days to teach 72 preachers who had come together on this occasion. Monday afternoon, Therman and I each taught one hour, Skinner Garden Ladies' Classand Tuesday throughout the day, we each taught two hours. Bonnie, though, did not have to share her time as she was the only female speaker to the ladies; she spoke two hours on Monday and four hours on Tuesday to over 200 ladies.

Gospel MeetingThe Gospel meeting on Monday night found us in a distant village where brethren had blocked off a street and put mats on the ground on which attendees sat, probably a hundred or more. Other folks sat on their porches or in their shops on either side of the street and loudspeakers blared throughout the community our messages and congregational singing. That night, 14 men and women were baptized in a trough on that street. We got back to Skinner Garden at midnight.


BaptismTuesday afternoon, two ladies were baptized at Skinner Garden following the classes Bonnie was teaching. Hundreds of men, women and children observed this momentous occasion.

Gospel MeetingThe Gospel meeting on Tuesday night was assembled in a humble building in still another distant village. Three were baptized in the darkness in a large river beyond the town. One flashlight and the minivan headlights provided just enough illumination to accomplish the baptisms. We Americans are not responsible for these conversions, but we are the reason for the gatherings where precious souls with whom national brethren have been working attend and finally resolve to obey the Gospel.

October 17

Again this Lord's Day in Bangalore at Davis Road, we three taught or preached respectively in the Bible class, during worship and the ladies' class following worship.

Group Photo

Many pictures were snapped of brethren at Davis Road Church of Christ and us, especially since we three were sporting our new, Indian clothes. Afterward, Therman, Bonnie and I treated P.R. and Saroja Swamy as well as Vernon Douglas and his wife Sheila to a meal out at a Chinese restaurant we sometimes frequent when in Bangalore; we habitually do this to express appreciation and gratitude to our brethren who host us in our labors with them.

October 15-16

Provincial House SeminarFriday and Saturday, Therman and I along with Indian preachers conducted daylong seminars. This was conducted in a classroom at the Don Bosco Provincial House where we were lodging while in Bangalore. There was no opportunity on this occasion for Bonnie to speak to the ladies. About 50 brethren, mostly preachers and other church leaders were present for these lectures. Therman and I each spoke two hours daily.

Therman Hodge Louis Rushmore

Christian WidowsAmong those present were two widowed sisters in Christ who had traveled a long distance by train to be with us. Each of them opens her home in their respective communities for the Lord's church to assemble for worship, similar to New Testament references, both with respect to early brethren meeting in homes as well as the first century church meeting in the homes of Christian sisters.

Friday evening, we three were measured for new, Indian attire. Therman and I ordered Safari outfits, and Bonnie ordered a Sari. Saturday night, we picked up our new clothes in preparation for wearing them on the Lord's Day for worship. Besides edifying brethren, there were two baptisms and one restoration following this two-day seminar. In addition, a preacher who had already led about 10 souls to Christ announced his determination to bring an additional 40 souls to Christ in the near future, persons with whom he has been working with the Gospel of Christ. He will probably do it, too!

October 14

Laundary DayThursday, proved to be laundry day back at Provincial House: no hot water, washing clothes by hand in the bucket in the room with the packets of detergent we brought along from America, hand wringing clothes and hanging them to dry on the piping for mosquito netting on the beds. Later in the day, brother Swamy took us shopping for Safaris for Therman and me, but after a price was quoted and we were measured, the price suddenly escalated more than double the agreed upon price, so we declined the purchase and left the store.

A sudden downpour caused us to walk through ankle deep water when crossing streets. While out, brother Swamy took us to KFC for lunch. Traveling to and from our fruitless shopping spree, we three and Swamy rode what Indians call an auto (essentially a three wheeled rickshaw). Of course, the driver was present as well. To say the least, we were overloaded. On one occasion, the driver had to stop because he could not steer, and we had to redistribute the weight; Bonnie had been sitting on my lap on one side, her head curled against the ceiling. Therman sat in the Three-Wheeled Indian Automiddle and P.R. sat on the far side. We had to put Therman in first with me in the middle, Bonnie on my lap, and P.R. sat to my left; then, the driver could steer again, but I doubt if there was much tension on the front tire. Oh, the open sides afforded us a damp ride, too. Here is a picture of one of the autos in which we rode; P.R. Swamy is taking the picture.

Later back at Provincial House, we were in our rooms waiting for our ride to supper at Swamy's home. Then, the desk clerk came to Bonnie and my room and said there was a car waiting for us. We collected Therman and went to the lobby, where we found a driver with whom we were not familiar. After asking the driver if he were here to take us to Davis Road and his repeated affirmations to our questions, not able to communicate well, we got into his vehicle. It became apparent after awhile that we were preparing to leave Bangalore and that too much time had elapsed for us not to have already arrived at Davis Road. So, I called with my cell phone P.R. Swamy and through a series of back and forth phone calls we confirmed that we were not in the correct car. Vernon Douglas rescued us as he and Sheila, though they do not live in this area of Bangalore, happened to be in the neighborhood getting fuel for their vehicle; we hopped out of one car and into another and made our way to the originally intended destination. Oh, what could have been!

October 12-13

Velur Church of Christ Group PictureTuesday, we rode a little ways to Velur, India where we held an all day seminar with the local Church of Christ. We worked with this congregation last year as well. It meets in a single brick room in a row of brick rooms. About 100 were present, representing 13 area congregations. In addition, loud speakers heralded the Gospel of Christ to much of the village outside of the confines of the meeting place. I spoke two hours about The Parable of the Vineyard and The Parable of the Dragnet, respectively. Therman addressed Ten Commandments from Hebrews 13 for two hours.

Namakkal SeminarWednesday, we held an all day seminar at Namakkal. Again, there were about 100 in attendance from among 13 congregations (some different than the previous day). I preached From Creation Until Now and The Parable of the Talents over the space of two hours, and Therman preached Four A's of Acts 17:11 and Seven Beatitudes of Revelation in two one hour sessions.

Bonnie did not have an opportunity to teach ladies at either venue since there was no translator for her. Besides Therman and me, several Indian preachers, including brother P.R. Swamy, preached both days, too. To conserve expenses, instead of staying the night at Namakkal Wednesday and hiring our car also for Thursday for a return to Bangalore, we drove that night back to Bangalore; we do not like to travel in India at night because of the heavy truck traffic, poor visibility, animals and pedestrians on the highways. We made it back safely by midnight.

Later, we learned that between Velur and Namakkal three precious souls obeyed the Gospel in baptism. Last year, two ladies responded to the invitation in Velur.

October 11

Namakkal TripMonday the 11th was a travel day, by car from Bangalore to Namakkal, India, with a stop in Salem, India to meet up with Rajanaygam (a radio and TV speaker for World Evangelism). We expended about six hours to make the trip south along National Highway 7. We enjoyed a late model, air Rajahnigamconditioned SUV and were thankful for the comfort and convenience. The highway, however, provided more challenges: animals, pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, three-wheeled "autos," cars, heavy trucks and obstacles with no controlled access. We saw where a small car had struck a three-wheeled auto and tossed it off the highway over an embankment toward a pond.

Namakkal FortWe arrived in Namakkal and lodged in the Golden Palace. The Namakkal landscape is accented with a red bump of a mountain on top of which is a 12th century fort built by a Mongol warrior. Mountains are visible in the distance from our motel room. Flowers were in bloom and the general exterior was pleasant, but warm and humid.

Namakkal Mountains Namakkal Flowers Louis & Bonnie Rushmore

October 10

Therman Hodge

Louis RushmoreSunday morning, we three worshipped with our Indian brethren at the Davis Road Church of Christ; there are approximately 2,000 true Christians in Bangalore, distributed among about 25 congregations. Therman taught the Bible class, "The Joys of Being a Christian," and I preached for worship, "The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard"; in my sermon, I made a passing reference to Bonnie Rushmorebaseball to illustrate a point, which illustration was totally lost on our Indian brethren, since that sport is unknown here. Though several families were out of town for the Indian, holiday weekend, around 100 people were present. After worship, Bonnie taught, "Mrs. Noah," to sisters in Christ.

Davis Road Church of Christ

For lunch, we were the guests of Sheila and Douglas in their home. For supper, we ate at a Chinese restaurant, after which having dessert at Baskin Robins ice cream next door; brother Swamy likes KFC and Baskin Robins and uses visiting Americans as an excuse (besides providing us relief from Indian diet daily) to get his fill of these treats.

Bucket and Cup BathingWe moved from the Corporate Stay hotel to the Don Bosco Provincial House (a Catholic facility) where we would remain for the next two weeks when in Bangalore. We began our Indian bathing ritual of cup and bucket, and that with cold water unless we happened to be back in the room before nightfall and could take advantage of the sun-heated water in tanks on the roofs

October 9

Saturday, we three exchanged US currency for Indian Rupees, after which we did some shopping. Every moment abroad has to be choreographed to best use the time for whatever purposes are proposed so that all of the puzzle pieces fit together; that meant if any shopping were to occur, this was our best opportunity to do so. Therman looked for gifts for especially his grandchildren, children and Sadie. Bonnie Kumar Home Bible Studyand I were happy to browse. That evening, brother Swamy and we went to a Bible study in a home, which involves a car ride to within walking distance and finishing the distance to and from the residence on foot. There were about 30 people present in the home of brother and sister Kumar, and both Therman and I taught lessons from the Bible, totaling an hour.

October 6-8

The big day arrived! However, before making our way toward Memphis, TN from which we would depart, we had a morning appointment in Winona with our traveling companion abroad this time. Therman and Sadie Hodge arrived in time for us to transfer to his luggage the overflow of toothbrushes and toothpaste that would not meet weight requirements in our luggage. Afterward, they departed toward Memphis and we left for Collierville, TN and our daughter's home. There we left the car and were picked up by Don Robertson for our trip to the airport; brother Don took us to and picked us up from the airport a couple of months earlier when we had made a trip to Myanmar in the summer.

However, before going to the airport, Don Robertson who sells phone systems for businesses and we met with some of his colleagues to discuss possibilities for improvement of the phone system at World Evangelism. Last time we conversed together, it was a conference call while Bonnie and I were sitting on a bench outside of the convention center in Sevierville, TN. Still, we have not been able to arrive at solutions for our unique situation in Winona, MS and World Evangelism, but we have identified some of the next steps in finding a satisfactory resolution.

Finally, it was off to the airport where we met up again with brother Therman Hodge, and the saga began, again. At 6:40 p.m., we flew from Memphis to Salt Lake City, UT, a flight of nearly three and a half hours. A little over an hour after arriving there, we departed for San Francisco, CA, a flight of over two hours. Three hours after arriving in San Francisco, we flew from there toward Singapore, a flight of over 19.5 hours; we did, though, stop in Hong Kong long enough to exchange passengers and refuel the plane (and take on a new flight crew), but we stayed on the plane so we would not have to collect our carry-on baggage and undergo security checks to reboard the plane.

Therman HodgeSingapore international airport is grand and mall-like. We passed by the large indoor fishpond, but we did not avail ourselves of the butterfly garden housed there, too. With an eight-hour layover, we opted this time to check into a transit hotel, also inside the airport, for a shower, some rest and a change of clothes; last year, I thought we were young enough that we didn't need to do that, but I was wrong! Twenty-five hours of flying and over 12 hours of layovers later, we were ready to begin the last leg of our initial travel, terminating in India; we left Singapore for Bangalore, India, over a four hour flight.

Forty-two hours after leaving Memphis, TN, we arrived in Bangalore, India, only stopping for required layovers between planes — ever pressing onward to literally the opposite side of the planet from Central Standard Time Zone Mississippi and Tennessee. That is approximately 12 time zones away from home, literally swapping our nights and days from what they are in America.

Arriving in India, we found a proverbial fly in the ointment! No one was there to retrieve us from the airport! With my Blackberry cell phone, I called brother P.R. Swamy. After an exchange of phone calls between him, his son Douglas and myself, Therman, Bonnie and I hired a taxi?? to take us the 40 kilometers from the airport to Bangalore. Hiring the taxi was a trip in itself, given that we spoke none of the three local languages, and the taxi we ended up with was little bigger than an office desk. There we were with six bags of luggage, each pushing 50 pounds and six carry-on bags (including computers). I was uncertain whether a single strand of rope was satisfactory for securing our luggage on the roof, but we crammed into the car and off we went.

Brother Swamy was not expecting us, though I had sent him our itinerary, and he lodged us temporarily for the night in the Corporate Stay hotel, which was a typical no-star, Indian hotel, but adequate. The confusion about our arrival arose over Swamy receiving in his hands from Douglas an undated email post from Betty Choate saying that we were "leaving tomorrow." Betty's post had inadvertently overruled my itinerary in the mind of the brethren.

October 4-5

Still trying to get as much stateside office work accomplished as possible before we leave the country, of necessity, we needed to pack for our overseas journey as well. Packing for mission trips has two phases: (1) loading suitcases at the house with enough of the right kind of clothes (some culturally specific) to weather the heat and humidity of a month split evenly between India and Myanmar, and (2) loading suitcases at the warehouse/office with 100 pounds of books and other literature, as well as toothpaste and toothbrushes.

International flights currently permit two checked bags per person, each weighing not more than 50 pounds (books add up quickly!). In addition, we are permitted one carry-on bag each weighing not more than 15 pounds, plus one laptop computer each. On one of our weekend preaching appointments I came across and purchased a handheld scale for weighing luggage, which we used and reused as we packed and shifted contents back and forth until we satisfied the weight requirements for individual bags. Packing for our trips is a little like working at a puzzle until one gets it right!

October 3

Sunday morning, we headed out to the Charleston Church of Christ, an hour's drive north. I filled in for brother Robert Rawson who was away in a Gospel meeting. The brethren requested that I provide yet another update about our foreign mission work, and I acquainted them with our summer trip to Myanmar to teach English (and Bible) to Buddhists, Catholics and Baptists. For worship, I presented, "What Is Jesus' Plan for Me?" We were the beneficiaries of financial gifts for our mission work from the congregation and individual Christian families. As always, but not always the same family, we were taken to the best restaurant around those parts; to my delight, meatloaf was on the menu.

October 1-2

After attending to more office work in the morning, Bonnie and I left Winona, MS for Hamilton, AL. Specifically, we went to Maywood Christian Camp, where with our daughter, Rebecca, we were to participate in the Collierville, TN Church of Christ's Family Harvest Weekend. Saturday morning, I spoke on my assigned topic to the adults: "What Is Jesus' Plan for Me?" Though I prepared this lesson for this occasion, I first presented it on our northward trip a week earlier to the Vermilion, OH Church of Christ's men's class on a Sunday morning; habitually, I try to use widely the studies and preparation I make, and also I use former studies as foundations for additional studies for lessons on future occasions.

After a day's activities and fellowship with these dear brethren, and after supper, Bonnie and I headed back to Winona so we could be in place to meet our Lord's Day appointment in Charleston, MS.


P.R. Swamy