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Vol.  9  No. 12 December 2007  Page 19
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Beverage AlcoholGiveaway
(Over 1,900 given away in 2007!)

Brethren Victor Durrington and Louis Rushmore, through their collaborative efforts to finance and produce it, are making brother Rushmore's book, Beverage Alcohol, available for free as long as supplies last. Individuals will be able to request this well-rounded and biblical treatment of so-called social drinking and pay only the shipping costs. Groups such as schools of preaching, college classes and congregations may also request free copies for 100% distribution to their members. This free offer is not for resale and only one copy per person, please. Some brethren value Beverage Alcohol as the best treatment of this critically important subject presently in print in our brotherhood. For your free copy, place your order at Louis' online bookstore or email brother Rushmore at rushmore@gospelgazette.com.

Support Needed!

Bonnie and Lous Rushmore need your financial support as they labor alongside J.C. & Betty Choate (and others) in the program World Evangelism. Louis and Bonnie welcome to visit your congregation, if feasible, and make a PowerPoint presentation about this multifaceted approach to world evangelism. They now reside in Winona, MS where from facilities there they are participating in worldwide evangelism through literature, radio, TV, Internet, foreign campaigns and overseas Bible schools. The Vermilion church of Christ has stepped forth to be the Rushmore's sponsoring congregation; please send your contributions for this good work to Vermilion Church of Christ, Rushmore Evangelism Fund, 5116 Driftwood Dr., Vermilion, OH 44089. Louis and Bonnie may be reached at rushmore@worldevangelism.org or 662-283-9946.

Paula and Jerry Bates, also new team members with J.C. & Betty Chaote in World Evangelism, preceded the Rushmores by two months to Winona, MS. They, too, are still raising their monthly support. Both families welcome the opportunity to visit congregations to apprise them of this good work. The most visible, stateside aspect of this good work is the quarterly magazine, Voice of Truth International.
The Bible Net

  • Author: Brandon Renfroe
  • Price: $4.95 (plus s/h)
  • Contact: renfroeb@alltel.net
  • Description:
    • Can truth be found in the maze of modern religious confusion?
    • Does God expect man to put his rational mind to good use?
    • Is the Bible the inerrant standard for truth seekers?
World Evangelism

Therefore Stand

W. Terry Varner, Editor
David P. Stevens, Associate Editor
Subscritiption information
P.O. Box 461, Groveport, OH 43125-0461
 (614) 836-1857 or  w.varner@sbcglobal.net

Chula Vista Books

House to House

West Virginia School of Preaching

Christian Courier

Scriptures Say


Apologetics Press
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