Is Culture to Transform Our
Tim Childs
Recently, James Dobson was speaking on radio about the
various forces that are presently engaged in the battle for the minds
of our
young people. It is understood that whatever political and cultural
changes are
brought about in the world of tomorrow will be made by those who are
the youth
of today. This is why there is such a pernicious, aggressive battle for
To that end, a movement has been underway for some time
to affect the thinking of our young people about marriage and the
family unit
as they move through their 12 to 16 years of school. The “gay
and lesbian
lifestyle” is continually placed before our young people in a
favorable light
and as being normal in hope that the future generation will be more
and “tolerant.”
Every society has its cumulative set of attitudes,
values, ideals and beliefs. This is known as the
“culture” of the people. Over
decades, there often are striking changes in culture, even as there
have been
quite significant ones in our own culture over the past ten to twenty
The following well illustrates the point. In an article dated March 2,
2006 and
titled “Minister May Get Tossed After 30 Years for Marrying
Gays,” one female
denominational leader who is an activist and proponent of same-sex
marriage was
quoted by the Associated Press as saying, “Certainly the
founder of the
Christian faith was someone who challenged all oppressive systems that
people from being whole,” as she made her defense for
marrying two same-sex
couples. Apparently, she wants to make Jesus appear sympathetic to her
Excuse me, but He is not.
Then, there are forces (including the use of some who
even claim to be members of the Lord’s church) currently
engaged in a battle to
change the identity of the kingdom (also known as the church of our
Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ). For more than a decade now, certain
“Change Agents” have
been at work tampering with our way of interpreting Scripture and the
way we
find authorization for what we are to do and how to worship as
Christians. In
disdain for our long-held, biblical convictions, we have been labeled
“separatists” (no doubt among other things). Those
who are faithful in the kingdom of Christ
have always and will always have
their enemies. Some of these seek to work from within, while others
work from
without (Acts 20:29-30). See also Luke
God has given us the Holy Scriptures, including the New
Testament, which, in a spirit of love and compassion, lays out his will
for all
of His children for all time as we live in this final dispensation. The
of society changes rapidly and may well lead to the decay and
destruction of a
nation, but “the word of the Lord endureth forever”
(1 Peter 1:25), and does
not self-adjust to meet the demands of society. The world, with its
opinions, may sway the church if we are ungrounded in the faith
4:14), but the world will never force Jesus to change his doctrinal
position on
any solitary matter. During His personal ministry, Jesus never
demonstrated an
interest in meeting the world’s demands and expectations. His
purpose has
always been far higher (John 4:34).
Now, God has placed you and me as lights in a world of
darkness (Matthew 5:14-16), and to be the salt of the earth (Matthew
5:13). It
is ok for the church to be in the world (John 17:15), but it is never
ok for
the world to be in the church (James 4:4). Therefore, heed Romans 12:2 and refuse to
conform to this present
world. Also, remember John
God has called us to be a holy nation and a “peculiar
people” (1 Peter 2:9).
Will we allow modern culture to transform the identity
of the Lord’s church to the extent that it is no longer
recognizable and has no
connection whatsoever with the kingdom Jesus established and is
described in
the New Testament? We must not swallow the devil’s lie when
he says through
some that various doctrinal matters should not be “a test of
claiming they are only our opinions. What Jesus has taught His
followers to do
or believe should never be expressed as “opinion.”
Further, whatever we are
commanded to do “in the name of Jesus Christ” [such
as baptism for the
remission of sins, (Acts 2:38)] is neither incidental nor a matter of
indifference. We need to remember that if we fail to overcome the world
all its assaults on our faith, Jesus can and will remove our
(Revelation 2:5). However, with God as our helper, the Lord Jesus
Christ will
be our driving force rather than the world.