Last week (2002), I listened to President Bush as he
presented before his Cabinet and the nation his plan for fighting the
drug war.
Every politician and reporter I heard seemed to be in favor of the
idea, but
many criticized it because he was not planning to spend enough money to
do the
job. A few, who seemed more astute than the average, pointed out that
ten times that much money would not do the job if we did not attack the
root of
the problem.
However, no one, as far as I heard in the news media or
the political arena, even hinted at any specific way to attack the root
of the
problem, or even suggest what it is. The closest thing I heard to it
someone suggesting that more needed to be spent on
“education.” I presume that
meant “telling people the harmful effects of it” as
if the thousands who are
selling it and using did not already know first hand of its harmful
Then, this same weekend I met with a group of
Christians who are working on a plan that will do more to curb the drug
traffic, pornography, alcoholism, teenage pregnancy, crime in and out
of the
streets, family abuse and other numerous social ills than all of the
the government can devise.
That plan is simply God’s plan, but one of the things
that thrilled me is that instead of simply sitting around and saying,
everyone would follow God’s plan, this thing can be
solved,” or “If every
person who smokes a cigar would quit and donate that money to the
Cause, we
would have enough to provide for these needs,” those men
began to lay out a
plan to get the Gospel message of freedom, peace and abundant living
into every
home in the nation. They are providing it with feet on which to walk,
or wings
on which to fly, rather than simply dealing in pious generalities.
God’s plan will work without either the ecclesiastical or
the political machinery that is necessary to carry on man’s
plans. The basis on
which it will work is this: If we are more interested in carrying out
wishes of our King in the way He wants them to be done than we are in
our own political or religious interests, we automatically cooperate
and make
whatever sacrifices are necessary to the accomplishment of the goals.
We still
remain autonomous without being anonymous, as I heard a dear brother
Before I decided that I would make the preaching of the
Gospel the primary focus of my life, I knew that I was very inferior to
persons in capacity, knowledge, ability and training. However, I told
the Lord,
“I will do what I can, where I am, with what I
have,” so I began.
As the years have passed, I have discovered an even
greater truth. Anyone can do that, but when a person really does what
he can,
where he is, with what he has for the glory of God, God will enable him
to do
what he could not, where he is not, with what he does not have! The
little boy
in John 6:9
could not possibly
feed 5000 with a few loaves and fishes. However, when he turned them
over to
Christ, he did! Peter could not possibly walk on water, but when he
obeyed the
command of Christ, he did!
The churches of Christ can get the Gospel into every
home in the United States,
and what you would see is one of the greatest projects of this century
fighting drugs, crime and sins of all sorts, which would amaze both the
political and religious world with its simplicity and its power. When
people in
all areas of life see thousands of congregations and millions of
voluntarily joining together to fight for one cause, not because of
political or religious pressure, but simply because they are
following the commands of the same King, as men of vision and courage
lead and
point the way, they will be constrained to look more carefully at that
Cause. The
result will be that not only will thousands be led to Christ, but also
the very
fabric of society will be changed.