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Serving an international
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Old Jerusalem Gospel
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Vol.  10  No. 1 January 2008  Page 1
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A Word Between Friends

Tim Childs

By Tim Childs

MP3 Message

Page One

Year Number Ten!

By Louis Rushmore

    With this issue of Gospel Gazette Online, we begin our tenth year of providing this 20-page, monthly, religious magazine to a worldwide readership through the Internet. This represents thousands of articles by numerous brothers and sisters in Christ, which articles are archived and searchable with a search engine included on the website. We sincerely hope that this humble effort in which so many have participated has contributed to the edification of countless souls and the conversion of many others. We continue to be encouraged by the flow of mostly favorable correspondence respecting GGO. Happily, Gospel Gazette Online remains free to users around the globe, and meters at the foot of the homepage evidence regular visitors from many countries across most of the continents; even one or more users from Antarctica have used GGO.

Table of Contents

Year Number Ten! By Louis Rushmore 1
Because I Can
By Louis Rushmore 2
Daily Challenges for the Christian
By Rodney Nulph 3
Choose Your Own Values By D. Gene West 4
Conversion and Life of an Indian Maiden By Raymond Elliott 5
First Ripe Fig By Mark McWhorter 6
Eating Up the Sin of the People By  Mark McWhorter 6
Crossword Puzzle: Rachel By Bonnie Rushmore 7
Account for Life By Marilyn LaStrape 8
Fellowship in the Gospel By Adam Blaney 9
We're Not in Kansas Anymore? By Mike Benson 10
God Is Busy? By Dean Kelly 11
Contentment By T. Pierce Brown 12
S-M-I-L-E By Julene Nulph 13
Homesick for Heaven By Bill Dillon 14
A Sluggish Church? By Tim Childs 15
Pray for Me By Andy Robison 15
Worship and Such By Ken Joines 16
The Golden Compass... By Robert Johnson 17
A Time to be Quiet By Ernest S. Underwood 18
Leftovers for the Lord By Ernest S. Underwood 18
News & Advertisements 19
Remarriage by Guilty Party By Louis Rushmore 20
Did the Wisemen Know? By Louis Rushmore 20
Are Training Schools Biblical? By Louis Rushmore 20

Louis Rushmore, Editor
Rodney Nulph, Associate Editor
Paul Mobley, proofreader

A Moment of Reflection By Ernest S. Underwood
A Word Between Friends
(MP3) By Tim Childs
Crossword Puzzle
By Bonnie Rushmore
Priscilla's Page By Marilyn LaStrape
Since You Asked
By Louis Rushmore
Wisdom's Corner
(Youth Page) By Mark McWhorter

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    Before beginning Gospel Gazette Online and during much of the time GGO has been in existence, I taught at the West Virginia School of Preaching. For six of the nine years since we began GGO, Bonnie and I labored with the Cameron (West Virginia) church of Christ. More recently, we moved to Winona, Mississippi to labor with J.C. and Betty Choate, helping perpetuate their 45-year investment in world evangelism. We are helping perpetuate the magazine, Voice of Truth International, which circulates by the tens of thousands throughout the world four times a year in multiple languages. We are helping prepare various book titles for publication, which will edify Christians and non-Christians at home and abroad. We will be teaching overseas in congregations and in Bible schools. We will be preparing (with the help of dozens of Christian men and women) a new Bible class curriculum that emphasizes the exclusivity and identity of the church of the Bible. We correspond with brethren overseas who are native to Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, the Philippines and various African nations, and who evangelize those parts of the world; some of these brethren speak on the 36 weekly foreign radio and 8 foreign weekly TV programs or teach in the several overseas Bible schools. We are helping in the finalization of plans for the beginning of a school of evangelism in the fall of 2008 in Winona, MS.

    One of my book titles, Beverage Alcohol, has found a benefactor in a dear brother from Texas who has financed the printing and distribution of 2,000 copies free to recipients throughout the United States. That’s right, 2,000 copies were given away in the year 2007. Recipients included schools of preaching, congregations and individuals, through the mail or in person. It has been my privilege to travel to several congregations in 2007 to make a 45-minute PowerPoint presentation about so-called social drinking, and give a free copy of the book, Beverage Alcohol, to each family present. (On several occasions when a second speaking appointment at the same location was afforded, I presented a faith-building, PowerPoint message about Bible Archaeology and worked with young people with Bible maps.)

    Bonnie and I are visiting congregations that are presently supporting the Choates in this program of evangelism, but which because of the poor health of brother J.C., he and Betty are unable personally to apprise of the ongoing status of these worldwide evangelistic efforts. In addition, Bonnie and I are visiting congregations within driving distance of Winona, MS to invite them to participate financially in this good work; please let us know if you would like us to come to your congregation and acquaint it with an outstanding opportunity to contribute to the salvation of souls around the world. Please pray for our evangelistic efforts. We may be contacted via email at rushmore@gospelgazette.com.

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