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Vol.  10  No. 7 July 2008  Page 10
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Wisdom's Corner (Youth Page) By Mark McWhorter

Mark McWhorter

Greater than Jonah

    Most people who study the Bible are familiar with the account about Jonah. He was told to preach repentance to the great city of Nineveh. The people there were very wicked. Jonah at first did not go. However, through God’s intervention, Jonah was convinced he should go. Jonah spent three days in the belly of a large fish. The fish then vomited him up. Jonah traveled to Nineveh and preached to the entire city. All of the people of Nineveh, including the king, repented at his preaching and turned to God. Jonah did not perform miracles for the people. They simply obeyed what Jonah preached to them.

   Jesus refers to this incident in Matthew 12:39-41, after the scribes and Pharisees accused him of performing miracles by the power of Satan. After Jesus logically showed that He could not be of Satan, the scribes and Pharisees sarcastically asked him to perform a miracle for them.

   Jesus stated that the only sign He would give to them was the sign of Jonah. He would be in the grave for three days and nights and then come out of the grave.

   He then told them that the people of Nineveh would rise in judgment against them. Those Jesus spoke to had not only heard preaching of repentance, but they had witnessed great miracles by Jesus. Yet, unlike the people of Nineveh, they refused to believe the preaching or the miracles. Jesus was greater than Jonah, yet these people refused to accept His teaching. They would be condemned for their unbelief.

  Study your Bible. Learn all you can about the One who is greater than Jonah. Then, accept His teaching and obey Him. If any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.

Greater than Solomon

    Most people have heard of King Solomon. Solomon was asked what he wanted from God. Solomon followed the advice of his father, King David, and asked for wisdom. God gave him more wisdom than any man had ever had. He even had more than any man will ever have. Solomon became known throughout the world for his wisdom. He also became one of the richest men ever to live. The Queen of Sheba heard of his wisdom and traveled to Jerusalem to see if what she had heard was correct. After spending time with Solomon, she was convinced that he did have the greatest wisdom of all men.

    Jesus referred to this incident in Matthew 12:42. The Pharisees and scribes had witnessed Jesus performing great miracles. They had heard Him teaching and preaching with great wisdom. Yet, they did not desire to travel distances to listen to learn. They only wanted to follow Him to try to find something wrong with what He did or with what He said. They had no intention of being open-minded and sincere like the Queen of Sheba.

    Jesus stated that the Queen of Sheba would rise in judgment against them. She traveled a long way to hear and see Solomon. She desired of the truth. Jesus said they had someone with them who was greater than Solomon, yet they refused to accept Him. They would be condemned for their unbelief.

   Study your Bible. Learn all you can about the One who is greater than Solomon. Obey Jesus. If any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.

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