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Vol.  10  No. 7 July 2008  Page 7
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Wisdom's Corner (Youth Page) By Mark McWhorter

Mark McWhorter

Every Vision Faileth

    In Ezekiel 12:22, we read, “Son of man, what is that proverb that ye have in the land of Israel, saying, The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth?”

    Ezekiel’s job was prophesying and warning about the coming destruction of Jerusalem and Babylonian captivity. He was to preach about punishment for sin and the need for repentance.

    However, the people of Judah had become so hard hearted that they did not believe any of the prophets. They had come to the point that they even scoffed and mocked them. They said that God’s prophets were telling things that were not true. They said God’s prophets had been foretelling of the fall of Jerusalem but it never happened. The leaders and false prophets of the people declared that all was safe and nothing bad was going to happen.

   God through Ezekiel said that this proverb was going to end. Why? Because what He had been warning them about through the prophets was about to happen. There was no more time for repentance. There were no longer many days before destruction.

    Some people had the same attitude in New Testament times. In 2 Peter 3, people were saying that Jesus was not returning to earth. They were saying that all the talk about Jesus’ return was false because nothing had changed. They even went so far as to say that nothing had changed since the beginning of the world. They were wrong. God had destroyed things with the flood.

    There are people today who say that the Bible is not true. They mock it because it warns of a final Judgment. They say that these words were written about 2000 years ago, and nothing has ever happened. Therefore, they say nothing will ever happen. They say that since nothing has happened, every vision fails — in other words, the Bible is nothing but a collection of false stories and myths.

    Study your Bible. Learn all you can from it. Do not be like the Israelites who did not believe God’s prophets. If any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.

The Forgotten Wedding Dress

    Have you ever been to a wedding? Did you see the men dressed in their formal clothing? Did you see the women dressed in their formal clothing? Did you see the bride in her beautiful wedding dress?

    The bride’s dress is very special. Sometimes the woman will wear the dress her mother wore at her wedding. Sometimes the woman will make her dress. She will find expensive, special materials to make it. Sometimes the woman will have someone else make the dress. The bride wants her dress to be attractive.

    Can you imagine a bride getting to her wedding and forgetting her dress? Do you think she would forget such a special dress? Do you think she would want to get married without her dress? What would the groom think about his soon-to-be bride if she could not even remember her wedding dress?

    Yet, the Israelites were said to be worse than the bride who forgot her wedding dress. In Jeremiah 2:32, we read, “Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? yet my people have forgotten me days without number.”

    Remembering God and worshipping God is more important than anything in this world. God is our Creator. We are to worship God. We should love God. God wants us to obey Him. He has promised that if we will obey Him, that we can live with Him forever in heaven. It makes no sense to forget the Creator of the Universe. It makes no sense to forget the One who loves us so much. It makes no sense to forget the One who can save us from our sins.

    Do not be like the bride who forgets her wedding dress. Study your Bible. Obey God, and if any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.

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