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Gospel Gazette Online
Vol.  11  No. 2 February 2009  Page 14                    powered by FreeFind

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    Fitly Joined Together

By Dean Kelly

Dean Kelly

Ephesians 4:16 “From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” For a congregation to accomplish the various works that are set before it, every member must “supply” his/her part in the work of the Lord. When we are all working together we can be successful. There are some things that should be noted about this.

1. Not everyone does the same thing. We all have our own abilities and interests, and we can help the congregation by using them to the fullest.

2. In every effort of any kind, we should work together in love and with a concern above all for the good of the cause of the Lord. Maintaining a good attitude toward one another is so very important, and one of the things that Satan will make every effort to destroy.

3. There is no unimportant member, and no more important member. We are all coworkers in a mighty body, and we should always know that we are important to the cause of Christ, no matter what our abilities or talents are.

4. We should pray for the local congregation that we may be “fitly joined together” and that we can take full advantage of “that which every joint supplieth.”

5. Paul says that if every part works together in “effectual working” that this working together will make us increase as a body as we are “edifying” each other “in love.” That growth is first spiritual, and eventually it can manifest itself numerically.

May we always strive to make the local congregation one that is indeed “fitly joined together,” so that we all can one day hear those wonderful words, “Enter in, my beloved servant.”

A Neighbor Like Job

By Ernest S. Underwood

Ernest Underwood
God said of Job that he “was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil” (Job 1:1). What a wonderful epitaph. To be “perfect and upright” is to be complete. One becomes this way, and only becomes this way, as he listens to and follows God’s Word. To fear God is to hold Him in deepest reverence and highest respect. One who lightly uses the phrase “Oh my God” is not one who has such reverence for Him. Job also “eschewed” evil. He hated it. He had contempt for evil. He avoided evil. If God said it was a sin, Job hated it as sin. It would not have mattered to him how many of his friends or relatives may have practiced; it was still sin. Wouldn’t you like to live in a community where everyone would be like Job? Heaven will be that way.

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