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Gospel Gazette Online
Vol.  11  No. 2 February 2009  Page 8                   powered by FreeFind

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Tim Childs

Why, Tell Me Why?

By Tim Childs

Why would a man choose blindness over sight?

Why would a man choose darkness over light?

Why would a man choose hatred over love?

Why would a man choose a thief like Satan, 

over God’s gift from above?

Why would a man choose the broad path to destruction,

over God’s great guidance and patient instruction?

Why would a man choose his own opinion and speculation,

over God’s Word made known by the Spirit of Truth’s revelation?

Why would a man choose filth, separation and alienation,

over God’s cleansing power and glorious sanctification?

Why would a man choose hunger and starvation,

over the bread of life provided freely to all within his holy nation?

Why would a man choose unquenched thirst,

over drinking from the fountain of life to be not cursed?

Why would a man choose death over life?

Why would a man not choose peace and unity,

over religious division, confusion and strife?

Why, oh tell me why?    

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