Gospel Gazette Online
Volume 25 Number 11 November 2023
Page 9

Why Not Try Jesus?

David Conley

David ConleyWe find in Mark 5:24-43 that Jesus got off the boat and was met with much excitement! Many people had heard that He was coming to that shore, and they met Him there. Among the many people who came to Jesus was Jairus. He was one of the rulers of the synagogue, and he came and fell at our Lord’s feet! This was an act of worship! Jairus knew that Jesus was indeed worthy to be worshipped.

Jairus begged Jesus to lay His hands on his daughter because she was at the point of death. He believed that Jesus could touch her and cause her to live! Jairus was desperate because his daughter was dying. He needed help! There is no doubt that this ruler tried everything to heal his daughter. Why not try Jesus?

As Jesus went with Jairus, many people followed and thronged Him! Among those who pressed Him was a woman. She had a “flow of blood” (NKJV) for the last twelve years! She had been to many doctors and had spent all that she had, although she had gotten no better. When she heard that Jesus was in town she said, “If only I may touch his clothes, I will be made well.” She fought the crowd until she was able to touch Jesus. When she touched Him, Jesus felt virtue (power) leave Him. He then asked, “…Who touched me?” The woman was afraid and fell down before him and told him what she had done. She basically said, “I’ve tried everything. Why not try Jesus?

Jesus told the woman, “Daughter, your faith hath made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction” (KJV). As soon as Jesus said this, there came a messenger from Jairus’ house to tell him that his daughter was dead. Then, Jesus turned to Jairus and told him, “Do not afraid; only believe.” Jesus raised his daughter from the dead!

Jesus explained to the sick woman and the fearful father that even though they had tried everything, they could have faith and believe! Why? Because they were now trying Jesus! I don’t want to live my life doubtfully and fearfully. I want to come to Jesus! I want to let Jesus heal me of my fears as I place my trust in Him! If Jesus could heal a woman who had been sick for twelve years and also raise the dead, I know He can help me, too!

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