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 Vol. 4, No. 11 

November, 2002

~ Page 5 ~

The Speaking Dead

By Dennis Gulledge

Dennis Gulledge In that wonderful eleventh chapter of Hebrews, the writer says of faithful Abel, "and by it he being dead yet speaketh" (Vs. 4). The longer we live the more we learn how this is true of others.

For a number of us, our parents being dead yet speak. I don't suppose that a day goes by that I don't reflect upon my deceased parents. For many of us our parents remain the greatest influence upon us, even many years after they are gone. Whether consciously or not we still apply to our life decisions the standards and principles that they taught us.

Many a teacher, being dead, yet speaks. Every good teacher always becomes immortal to someone. Our college and university professors leave their marks on us, and perhaps even more so do the humble teachers of our childhood years. Especially do our Bible school teachers, who, though they may be gone, still speak.

Many a friend, being dead, yet speaks. The influence of a good friend is something that transcends death. It is not terminated with the death of a friend.

Many a preacher, being dead, yet speaks. No Gospel preacher ever knows where the Gospel he preaches is going or how far reaching it may be. Some, though they have never told him so, owe their lives to the preaching of some faithful man of God that the world at large will never know. Every person being dead yet speaks.Image

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