two hundred and five years churches of Christ in America have been
engaged in
the formidable effort to restore in our time the church of which we
read in the
New Testament. When this movement began with the work of Stone,
Scott, Smith and hundreds of others it was believed that the only way
unity could be attained would be for people to do two things. (1) To
return to
the Bible for all that we do in matters of religion. Thomas Campbell
coined, in
his own unique way, the watchword of the early movement which was, “We
where the Scriptures speak and we are silent where the Scriptures are
(Someone has said we have no trouble in speaking where the Scriptures
problem is deciding when they are silent. There may be some truth to
that.) (2)
We should attempt to restore the order and worship of the church to the
thing that it was in apostolic times. It would seem that the first of
would lead as naturally to the second as anything can. For example, if
Bible teaches the immersion of penitent believers for the remission of
and we do only that which is taught in the Bible regarding the manner
in which
one is saved, then we could not help but restore the ancient order of
things to
that degree. We further illustrate by pointing out that if the
Scriptures teach
that the apostolic church was set up in a congregational style with a
of elders shepherding each flock of God’s people, and we follow only
what is
found in the New Testament on this matter, we will naturally restore
ancient order for the church. One of these things seems to follow the
other so
naturally that we really do not think of them in separate terms.
This has brought about a great deal of
happiness among religious people in America, and other places, but at
the same
time it has created its share of grief. Or perhaps we have created the
grief by
misapplying the principles set forth above. In the early days of the
restoration movement people flocked to these ideals and within a very
few years
the number of those who subscribed to them had risen to nearly two
Then came trouble! Men wanted to do missionary work both at home and
using societies set up for that purpose that could not be controlled by
churches. Men decided that we should add the use of instrumental music
to our
worship. A pastor system was set up in such a way as to transfer the
for the well-being of congregations from the hands of elders to that of
preachers. Within a hundred years of the beginning of this great
enterprise—thousands had moved away from it. Trouble brewed on every
hand among
the saints. Division, sorrow, ill-will, perhaps even hatred followed
and only a
very few of the millions were left to plead for the restoration of New
Testament Christianity.
The Disciples of Christ finally moved away
and abandoned the ideal of restoration, while the Christian Church was
to restore up to a point, so long as they could worship according to
desires, and organize according to their desires they were very willing
to call
themselves “a branch of the restoration movement.” Only churches of
stood alone in this attempt up until the last quarter of a century. Now
are wanting to walk in the path of the Christian Churches with regard
worship and other such matters. Some of our people, in great earnest
asking, “Is it even desirable to attempt to restore the Christianity of
we read in the New Testament?”
In answer to this question, we have chosen
to ask a series. If we turn away from going to the Bible and the Bible
for our authority in matters of religion, to what source shall we go?
Some say,
“Oh, we are not suggesting to do away with the Bible!” But what else
are we
doing when we abandon its teachings on worship or any other matter? If
it is no
longer desirable to restore that perfect order of things found in the
Testament, to what shall we turn? Shall we turn to the leaders of the
Reformation, back to the early days of the Roman Catholic Church, or to
Eastern Orthodox? Shall we just turn away from the Bible and do
whatever feels
good? To whom shall we go—the Lord alone has the words of eternal life
6:68)? Let us continue to struggle on! We have nowhere else to turn!
There is
nothing better out there!