Shakespeare had Hamlet say, “To be or not to be.”
was talking about whether he should commit suicide or, as he put it,
off this mortal coil,” or “his quietus make with a
bare bodkin.” When we look
in the Bible we find many expressions that have to do with what we
should be or
not be. They are not talking about suicide, but about what we should be
or not
be in life. We think it appropriate to examine some of them in more
detail. If
we had space for a small book, we might examine those in the Old
Testament, for
there are many powerful and profitable admonitions, such as Joshua 1:6, “Be
strong and of a good courage: for
unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I
unto their fathers to give them.” Many of them would apply to
us as well as to
them. We need strength and courage for our fight just as they did, but
we shall
confine our examination and remarks to just a few in the New Testament.
Matthew 5:12
says, “Rejoice, and be exceeding
for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets
were before you.” He is specifically talking about the times
when they were to
be persecuted, but the admonition applies to us at all times. Whatever
circumstance in life confronts us, if we are living as Christ would
have us
live, we should be exceeding glad. The reason given here is only one of
reasons, but it is enough. “Great is your reward in
heaven.” Although each of
us should be aware that in the strict sense of the word we cannot
“earn” our
reward, we can be assured that we will get it by the grace of God when
constantly live in such a way that we glorify God.
Matthew 5:48,
“Be ye therefore perfect,
even as
your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Although I
respect brother J.W.
McGarvey above almost any scholar whose works I read, I think he was
wrong in
his comments on this verse. He thinks this is the ideal, but none of us
reach it. If you will read carefully what Jesus is talking about, it is
that we
are to love our enemies and do good to them that persecute us. Can we
do that,
or is it merely an ideal for which we should strive? When we have done
that, we
have reached the perfection (maturity) Jesus is talking about. It has
to do with whether we can sin, and certainly does not imply that we are
as good
or as loving as God is. However, a circle that is only one inch in
diameter is
just as perfect as one that is one foot in diameter. When one has done
what God says do, we leave you with this challenge: If that is not
in that area, what would be? If God says, “Stand
up” and I stand up, who can
properly say, “That is not perfect with respect to that
command and is only an
ideal to which we should strive?” That does not suggest or
imply that when one
has done exactly what God says in one area that means he has done it in
other areas, or is without weakness or fault. Nor does it imply that
even if he
did all that God wanted in every area that God is therefore in debt to
him in
some way, or owes him something. Luke
says we would still be unprofitable servants.
Matthew 18:3,
“And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be
converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter
into the kingdom of heaven.” Closely related to John 3:3,
“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I
say unto thee, Except a man be born
again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
In John 3:5,
“Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say
unto thee, Except a man be born of water
and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom
of God.”
John 3:7
reads, “Marvel not that
I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.”
All of these go together, for they involve what we should be and must
be if we
are to enter the kingdom of God. Many
times we
have pointed out that the expression translated “born
again” in the KJV
does not mean “born again,” but means
“born from above.” I do not raise any particular
objections to “born again,”
for if a person is “born from above” he is
certainly “born again,” for his first
birth was “from below” or a natural fleshly birth.
Yet, the expression, “born
from above” would have been more expressive and meaningful,
for it would
automatically express the idea that the new birth is from the Spirit of
Since Jesus tells us that the “seed of the kingdom is the
word of God” (Luke
8:11) and 1 Peter 1:23
tells us,
“Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of
incorruptible, by the word
of God, which liveth and abideth for ever,” it should be easy
for any
thoughtful, studious person to realize that when the Gospel message
falls into
good and honest hearts and the person obeys it, he is born from above,
and can
now enter the kingdom of heaven. However, we have no doubt that there
are many
who have been baptized who have not been converted and become like
Romans14:5 reads, “One man esteemeth one day above
another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own
mind.” Sadly, there are some in the
church today, or connected thereto, who teach that one opinion is as
good as
another, and one has no right to insist that the doctrine he teaches is
better than any other doctrine. In fact, they usually teach that
doctrine is
not important anyway. I would suggest to them that if doctrine is not
important, they should quit teaching it, for what they are teaching is
What is the meaning of this passage? The Jew was accustomed to doing no
work on
the Sabbath. If he felt like taking off, let him. If he does not eat
pork, let
him do without. We are not to bind on others what God did not bind.
This does
not mean that the Jew or any other had the right to bind the Sabbath on
Christians as a day they must observe, or that they were to bind on
the prohibitions of the Law of Moses. It does mean that if a person
does not
want to do secular work on the Lord’s day and devote it
wholly to doing things
of a religious nature, he has a right to that option. However, if he
should see
a fellow Christian helping his sick neighbor by mowing his lawn on the
day, he should not condemn him for so doing.
There are many other important statements about things
we should do and not do. We suggest that every preacher might do well
to preach
a series of sermons on these important commands of God.