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Vol. 10 No. 8 August 2008
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A few years later, I began to reconsider it from two
other standpoints. First, when we say, “everything is
prepared” and we almost
always think of physical things, what does this reveal (or at least
about our thinking? Is it not very similar to what we often hear when
announcement is made about our favorite habit of meeting and eating? In
New Testament
times, the emphasis was on praying and fasting. In our day, it seems to
be on
preaching and eating. Therefore, after we have had our experiences
they are) in the “main auditorium,” we say,
“Now let us go have fellowship in
the basement (or room 101 or the fellowship hall).” One might
think we
misunderstood or disagreed with Paul in
Those who have seen me in the “chow line” (usually
close to the front, for I try to be a leader) know that I am not averse
eating and drinking—even in the “fellowship
hall.” However, I am concerned that
a large part of our thinking, talking and acting reveals our
tendencies. I am convinced that “thy speech maketh thee
known” (bewrayeth thee—
Consider again, “everything is prepared.” Has the heart been prepared? Have we even made a special effort to make sure the person knows what it means when he says, “I believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God”? I am persuaded that there are those who are baptized who think that “Jesus Christ” was his name, as mine is “Pierce Brown.” When Jesus said, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved,” did he mean, “He that believeth almost anything and is baptized for almost any purpose, shall be saved”? I had a person with whom I was studying to tell me, apparently in all seriousness, that he thought that meant, “He that believeth that Jesus already saved him from his past sins and is then baptized will be saved eternally.” As far as I know, he had never heard of “the new hermeneutic” although he was using it.
Of course, we cannot make sure that everything is prepared, for we are not God. We have no authority to screen all those who wish to be baptized in order to make sure they meet our particular standards. However, at least we do need to develop a consciousness that there should be a greater concern for preparing the heart than there is for preparing the baptismal garments.
In the second place, when we emphasize that “the water
is warm and the clothing is ready,” is it possible that we
are leaving the
impression that if the water is not warm, or we have to walk a mile in
weather to a lake that is frozen, perhaps we should wait until spring
to obey
the Gospel? I am convinced that we have, by our constant emphasis on
and material things, made it appear that Christianity does not really
much of a person. I remember Charles H. Roberson saying in class,
“It does not
take much of a man to be Christian.” I had my hand about
halfway up to get
permission to speak in refutation of that when he finished the
sentence. “But
it takes all there is of him.” Jesus said, “If a
man would come after me, let
him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”
(Matthew 16:24). Some of
us may have been so scared of the idea of “total
commitment” that the
Crossroads and
We even emphasize when we want to get money for a project of some sort, how little it would take for it to be completely funded if each one of us would give up practically nothing. Instead of emphasizing the glorious privilege of sacrificing anything, or everything, if need be, for the Cause of Christ, we continue to suggest, either accidentally or by design, that whatever Christ wants can be done easily, without any sacrifice. Of course, that is true with most of our little projects, for our vision is so limited and our faith so small that we scarcely think in terms of our ability to do what Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Apparently, most of us who even give it lip service do not think it is possible to accomplish, especially without some manmade scheme such as a missionary society, or some other unauthorized method.
The truth is that God never gave any command without giving both the ability and resources to carry out that command. Our problem is not in the lack of resources and ability, but in the lack of vision, faith and the willingness to do what we can, where we are, with what we have for the glory of God and the good of man. If we had been in Caleb’s place, we might have said, “Let me have the molehill, for this mountain looks too big for me to handle.”
Is it possible that this thing we might call “the warm water syndrome” is partially responsible for the widespread soft-soaping pep-rallies that take the place of Gospel preaching in many places, and the habit of receiving into fellowship almost any sort of unrepentant character who wants to “come into the church”? Have we become so interested in the number of warm bodies that we can count that we have neglected to concern ourselves properly with the quality of the spirit that dwells in those bodies?
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