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Vol.  10  No. 9 September 2008  Page 19
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Preacher Search: The Olive St. church of Christ, 420 N. Olive St., Mexico, MO is seeking a full-time preacher who is dedicated to teaching the truth, capable of teaching and doing personal work a must. We are a congregation of 20-30 members. We can pay $25,000.00; if more is needed he will need to raise his own support. We do not have a house. We are in a mission area in a town of just under 12000, good family orientated town with good schools, about 40 miles from Columbia, MO where the University of Missouri is located. Send resume, sermon tape or DVD to Olive St. church of Christ, 420 N. Olive St., Mexico, MO 65265, Attn: Search committee. Email to wlsnyder@mywdo.com or lnossaman@mexicomo.net
Preacher Search: It is with deep regret that the West Jefferson (NC) church of Christ is in the position of seeking a preacher for the work here. Due to family considerations, our current preacher has resigned to take a position with a congregation much closer to his wife’s parents. The congregation at West Jefferson has a packet which contains a description of the employment package, information about the congregation and the community. These are available to perspective candidates for the position of preacher. Anyone wishing to receive the information should request it by sending an email to wjcoc@skybest.com. The information will be sent to them in PDF format via return email. Candidates can also request the package in paper form by writing to: Preacher Search Committee, West Jefferson church of Christ, PO Box 117, West Jefferson, NC 28694. After candidates view the package if they are interested in the work here, they should submit a resume and a taped sermon to the above address.

Speakers For Ladies'
Inspiration Days, Classes & Retreats

Betty Burton Choate
Bonnie RushmoreRebecca Rushmore

Betty Burton Choate, Bonnie Rushmore & Rebecca Rushmore
(662) 283-1192 or (662) 283-9946

Three Generations of Experience
Lifetime Commitments

Louis RushmoreA Day with St. Louis

Schedule a Day with St. Louis now! Give your preacher an in-house, one-day vacation, and change the pace on one Sunday soon, by inviting St. (i.e., Christian) Louis (i.e., Rushmore) to present four very special lessons to your congregation.

  • Lesson #1: Beverage Alcohol (PowerPoint presentation with free books and pens distributed to each family, 45 min.)
  • Lesson #2: Bible Archaeology (PowerPoint presentation, 30 min.)
  • Lesson #3: Bible Maps (at the start of the evening worship for children two-years-old and upward, 15 min.)
  • Lesson #4: World Evangelism (PowerPoint presentation, 30 min.)

The lesson on Beverage Alcohol encourages Christians and non-Christians alike to avoid the real physical and spiritual perils of treating alcoholic drinks as though they were the same as other forms of refreshment. Ample evidence makes the case for complete abstinence from historical, medical and biblical perspectives.

Bible Archaeology builds up one’s faith by demonstrating that archaeological evidence corresponds to the biblical account, as well as sometimes corrects the secular historical record. Hence, Bible Archaeology shows the Bible to be completely reliable.

The Bible Maps class for children, by the use of funny names as well as the real names quickly and effectively teaches children (and adults who observe) the principle points of interest around the Bible world. Parents are always amazed at how well their children, even the littlest ones, easily grasp information that will fill out and make more meaningful future Bible lessons.

World Evangelism brings to mind valuable information about evangelism in general as well as the specific, worldwide program of evangelism to which the Rushmores have dedicated the balance of their lives.

Book displays also provide valuable resources for the church library and Christian homes alike. Further, free copies of Voice of Truth International will be provided the congregation.

rushmore@gospelgazette.com                                    662.283.9946

Louis Rushmore, 705 Devine St., Winona, MS 38967

Marilyn LaStrape


If your congregation is looking for a speaker for a Ladies’ Day program or a Ladies’ Retreat, Marilyn LaStrape may meet your needs. Marilyn has been a member of the Lord’s church for over 40 years. She is involved in various speaking engagements through ladies’ retreats, ladies’ days, encampments, seminars and workshops.

Marilyn writes for Christian publications and three websites. She has written articles for Sisterhood, Power for Today, 21st Century Christian and Christian Bible Teacher. She currently writes for the publication Rocky Mountain Christian. She also writes for Gospel Gazette Online, The Family Revival and Christian Mirror websites. Her articles may be accessed at www.gospelgazette.com, www.revivingthefamily.com and www.christianmirror.com.

Marilyn is retired and now spends her time working for the Lord in teaching, speaking and writing. She is also actively involved in visitation, evangelism and benevolence. Marilyn and her husband Joseph worship with the New Road Church of Christ in Waco, Texas, where Joseph serves as one of six elders.

Marilyn requests that her travel expenses be covered. Her speaking fee is decided by the leadership of the congregation that extends the invitation. She prefers to stay with a member of the congregation rather than in a hotel.

Marilyn may be contacted by phone at 254-732-0191; or by mail at P.O. Box 489, Hewitt, TX 76643-0489; or by e-mail at mlastrape@hot.rr.com.

The Bible Net

  • Author: Brandon Renfroe
  • Price: $4.95 (plus s/h)
  • Contact: renfroeb@alltel.net
  • Description:
    • Can truth be found in the maze of modern religious confusion?
    • Does God expect man to put his rational mind to good use?
    • Is the Bible the inerrant standard for truth seekers?
World Evangelism

Therefore Stand

W. Terry Varner, Editor
David P. Stevens, Associate Editor
Subscritiption information
P.O. Box 461, Groveport, OH 43125-0461
 (614) 836-1857 or  w.varner@sbcglobal.net

Chula Vista Books
House to House
West Virginia School of Preaching
Christian Courier
Scriptures Say

Apologetics Press
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