While not being able to sleep one night, this author
turned on the television, which was flooded with infomercials. One infomercial
was attempting to convince viewers that within just a few days they could have
newfound success, thus leading to complete financial freedom. Another
infomercial boasted of giving viewers a new body in just 30 days, and yet
another spoke of new and radiant skin that could be “yours within just a week.”
These (and many other advertisements) simply reflect the society in which we
live. Americans are always looking for new and exciting things, and yet the
truth of the matter reveals that these are simply fabricated. New successes,
new bodies and new complexions simply do not occur in the manner as some
suggest. However, there is a newness that is seen in the one who follows Jesus.
Obedience to the Gospel of Christ brings about a complete and entire newness to
the one who truly submits to God’s will. The apostle Paul wrote, “…if any man
be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). What “new things” are ours as
In the first
place, Christians have A NEW DISTINCT IDENTITY. Children of God are no
longer identified as servants of sin, but rather servants of righteousness (cf.
Romans 6:17-18). Once a person
submits to God’s plan of salvation, he is no longer a sinner but now a saint. We
are then characterized as righteous and holy people (cf. Ephesians 4:24; 1 Peter 1:15-16). By way of illustration,
it is like the youngster who rolls in the mud for an extended period of time,
after which his mother calls him a muddy mess. However, once that youngster
washes in the bathtub, it would no longer be proper to call him a muddy mess,
for he is now washed and cleaned. The same is true for the one who is washed in
the blood of God’s Lamb (1 Corinthians 6:11; Hebrews
10:22). Thank God for our new, distinct identity in Christ!
In the second
place, Christians have A NEW DESIRED INTEREST. Before becoming a
Christian, a person’s interests and concerns were worldly and carnal. He sought
above all else to please himself and to gratify his fleshly lusts (cf. Ephesians 2:1-3). To the one outside of Christ,
his ultimate concern is to please himself and to do what makes him feel good. However,
upon true obedience to the Gospel, one’s interests change, and a Christian now longs
to seek out what God desires for his life (cf. Matthew
6:33). The Christian’s new interest is seen in his quest
after spiritual things (cf. Colossians 3:1-3).
The Christian is no longer concerned with pleasing himself, but rather is
completely concerned with JOY, which is Jesus first, others second, oneself
last. Thank God for our new desired interest in Christ!
In the third
place, Christians have A NEW, DETERMINED INTENT. I can recall so
vividly many in the world with whom I have spent time working in secular works,
how that their goal was simply to make as much money as they possibly could. They
were interested in new material things and seemed never satisfied with the
blessings of each day. Their determined intent or goal was simply to “get
ahead” at any cost in the world in which they labored. How sad and how futile
an endeavor indeed (cf. Matthew 16:26)!
However, the Christian has a new, determined intent! Our intent or goal
is now an eternal resting place from our labors (cf. Revelation
14:13). Heaven has become the main goal for the one who has
been freed from sin (cf. Philippians 3:20-21).
Thank God for our new determined intent!
Truly, all things are new to the one who has been
obedient to the Gospel. Dear Reader, you may not enjoy new success, a new body
or a new complexion, but you can enjoy the blessings of a new, distinct
identity, a new, desired interest and a new, determined intent by following the
Master! We implore each reader to heed the plan that Jesus gave in order to
enjoy “all things new” in this life and especially in the life to come (cf. Revelation 21:5).