Biblical Hermeneutics: God
for Divine Revelation to be Understood
By Louis Rushmore, Editor
honest and right
thinking person must acknowledge that a biblical hermeneutic is an
necessity, because without a valid hermeneutic there is no way to
divine revelation. However, God gave divine revelation (the Bible) to
with mankind, and God intended for his revelation to be understood.
There would
be no reason for God to provide divine revelation unless both God was
able to
provide discernible communication, and God designed mankind with
faculties to understand it (2 Timothy 2:15;
created mankind with the
mental capacity to understand his revelation.
following, astute
observations voice the same maxim in other words.
“…all men, having been
created by God with intelligent minds (able to recognize, to observe
and to
properly consider the evidence which God has given) are required by God
to draw
only such conclusions as are warranted by the evidence” (Pugh
121). “God
reveals what man needs to know and is capable of knowing”
(Carruth 57). “Faith
comes as a result of proper evaluation of the evidence God has given to
(Rom. 10:17; cf.: Rom. 1:18-22)” (
Logic or sound reasoning is a necessity to successful biblical interpretation (as well as successful comprehension of anything in this life). Logic or sound reasoning is the necessary and proper effort of trying to understand divine revelation. Logic simply distinguishes between correct and incorrect reasoning, and everyone uses it to some degree from infants through adults.
must approach study of
Scripture rationally or logically with orderly procedure to comprehend
communication from God to mankind. “Simply stated, logic is
the process of
correct reasoning. …It is sound reasoning” (Pugh
112). “The only way to avoid
logic is to quit thinking, because logic is the basis for all
thought” (Pugh
113). Hence, mankind sometimes opts for dismissal of logic or sound
in an attempt to exempt himself from divine instruction for which he
does not
care. Yet with the following, one must concur, or else divine
revelation must
be thought to be incomprehensible and communication from God to mankind
must be
thought to be hopelessly lost on humanity. “It must be
emphasized that of all
the various types of statements in the Bible, there is none
which can, without the proper use of logic
(principles of valid reasoning), be used to prove a thing to
be essential (either obligatory or prohibitory) for men living today.
the proper use of logic, not even commands can be so used” (
Dismissing apostolic example and divine implication while purporting to hold on to divine commands or direct statements is as unfaithful to divine truth as is the theistic evolutionist who on one hand purports to believe in God while at the same time ascribing the created world to evolutionary theory. The latter dismisses the opening chapters of the Bible for starters, and the former jettisons two-thirds of the mechanism for understanding divine instruction; neither proposition is faithful to divine truth.
reasoning or logic is
the blood and guts of true biblical hermeneutics. Astoundingly, even
opponent of sound reasoning and logic inadvertently appeals to the
principle of
sound reasoning and logic in a lame attempt to disprove sound reasoning
logic as the core of biblical interpretation or hermeneutics. Any
argument to
prove or disprove something acknowledges the place of sound reasoning
or logic
to decide a matter. Therefore, the objection to sound reasoning or
logic to
discern biblical instruction essentially betrays the objection itself
invalid. “To hold that the conclusions
which are drawn from the explicit
statements of the Bible (by the correct
use of reason—the principles of logic, the principles of
valid reasoning) is mere human
doctrine, and thus, cannot be bound
on anyone is absurdly false doctrine!”
if it is handled
properly, can never be a hindrance
the gaining of Biblical faith. Rather, it is a prerequisite
to faith” (
mankind is capable of
understanding what God determined that man should know and that which
expects mankind to comply. The procedure to understanding
God’s Word is essentially
the same as it would be to understand anything. “As concerns
the truth as to
what the will of God is on any matter, one must not only gather
the evidence (learn the explicit statements of the Bible)
but he must also handle that
correctly; that is, he must reason
correctly about that evidence” (
human duplicity is that “…men
strive to be logical when logic is ‘on their side,’
but they tend to become
illogical (irrational) when rational thought (valid reasoning) shows
that the
doctrine which they have espoused is false. I plead with brethren
everywhere to
watch for this sign: when a man is teaching false doctrine, he will
reject and
castigate the proper role of logic! But logic plays a crucial role in
the great
task of properly interpreting the Bible.
be anti-logic is to be anti-Bible
because the Bible not only demands that men reason but that the reason
correctly in their study of the evidence which He has given them (1
God intended for his
revelation to be understood. Therefore, he outfitted humanity with
mental tools to understand divine revelation. God did not make biblical
interpretation a matter of mastering some superhuman God language or
God think,
but he opted to reduce biblical hermeneutics or biblical interpretation
to the
level of common communication between humans (of all ages). One cannot
to understand anything without implying his acceptance of the very
that enable him to comprehend the Word of God (and become responsible
making appropriate application of God’s Word to himself). The
ordinary tools
for spoken communication between humans involves sound reasoning or
logic, the
basics of which are: direct statements, examples and implication.
cannot have it both ways; either he is well equipped to communicate
with his
fellows and God, or he cannot communicate effectively with either, and
he has
the aptitude for communication of a rock or a vegetable.
Works Cited
Carruth, Ted. “The Implication of
Proper Principles of Biblical
Interpretation for Christian Unity.” Biblical
Interpretation: Principles and Practice. F. Furman Kearley
and others eds.
Pugh, Charles C., III. “Logic and
Reason in Interpretation.” Biblical
Interpretation: An Ancient Book
Speaks to a Modern World. Duane Warden, ed.
Warren, Thomas B. Logic
the Bible.
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