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Gospel Gazette Online
Vol.  11  No. 1 January 2009  Page 14                    powered by FreeFind

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    My Times Are in Your Hand

By Dean Kelly

Dean Kelly

“But I trust in you O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your Hand, rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors” (Psalm 31:14-15 ESV).

Life is full of the good times, the bad times; the happy times, the sad times; the times filled with joy, the times filled with pain; the times shared, the times of loneliness. Every one of us goes through the times or seasons that come together to make up life.

Maybe it takes the bad times, the difficult times, the painful times to make us realize that as Christians our times are in God’s hand. The old song goes, “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” This is, of course, true. However, for His people it is especially true that He has our times in His hand. With this in mind may we:

  1. Turn over our hard times into His hands. There are times in our lives that we just cannot handle by ourselves. We face those things in our lives for which we have no answer, and before which we are helpless. These are the times in which we must realize that our hands are not large enough to handle these things. We must depend on the hand of the One Who is over all.
  2. Recognize that the good times come from His hands. All good and perfect gifts come down from God above, according to James. We need to raise the voice of praise and thanksgiving for the benevolent hands that provide for us. Our attitude must be one of gratitude. It is easy in the good times to forget our dependence on the hand of God.
  3. Dedicate each moment into His hands. Our lives consist of the “times” that we are given. Each heartbeat, each second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year is a gift from God. From the depths of despair may our hearts transcend to our Beloved Creator as we submit our times into His hands. In the heights of joy and abundance may we ever look and see the presence of His loving hands.
  4. Jump out in trust, depending on His powerful hands. Like the Psalmist, we must put our trust in the Lord. It has often been said, and yet is still powerfully true, we do not know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future. We can depend on the hands of our God because they will not fail; no load is too heavy, nor any obstacle to great for Him.
  5. We must always say, in words and actions, “You are my God.” As we face all of life’s challenges, all of the times of our short abode on this planet, may we always declare our love, faith, trust and dependence upon our God.

The Christian must always say, “My times are in Your hand.” That is the only way to truly be successful here, and in eternity.

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