Fair and Balanced
By Robert Johnson
“As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned” (Titus 3:10-11).
above passage of Scripture is often viewed in
context of false teachers, probably those insisting on including
elements of
Judaism into the Gospel, as Paul mentions such in verse 9. To divide a
congregation over such issues is reprehensible at best, as the person
doing so
is working from selfish, sinful motives. The term for division comes
from the
Greek word hairetikos, translated
However, does one have to advocate false doctrine to be divisive? What Paul is saying to Titus has a much wider implication. People can insist on getting their way, which may simply be a matter of opinion, not doctrine. Yet, how many congregations have suffered because of people wanting their own way? How many churches have split over matters that have nothing to do with doctrine, but members insisting on getting their way, over anyone or anything else? I know of one congregation that almost divided over whether to have live or artificial flowers in front of the baptistery! How sad to escalate tensions just for the sake of “getting my way.”
Unfortunately, some preachers are culpable in this, as well. Some, concerned with establishing their reputation, making themselves look important to others, can be divisive with the truth. The truth is to be spoken from love (Ephesians 4:15), but in such cases as these it is evident that love has nothing to do with what is preached. Some are obsessed with issues or people, and in the name of “sound doctrine” go about making charges and accusations that may or may not be true. In reality, truth has nothing to do with it, as much as seeking to hurt or destroy the person accused, for the sake of promoting oneself. Sinful motives can be hidden behind the façade of truth. This also stirs up division, and those who practice such things are also warped and sinful, being self-condemned. Satan must truly love this, as it keeps us fighting among ourselves, rather than reaching out to the lost with the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ.
is a hard thing to find and maintain. We are to
love the brotherhood (1 Peter 2:17), and Paul tells us, “Let
love be genuine.
Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good” (Romans 12:9).
If we love the
Lord and each other, this is what we will work hard to do. We will not
brethren over personal issues or selfish motives. We will hate the sin,
never stop loving the sinner. We will stand for the truth and seek to
build up
the body of Christ, but never use the truth in a way that destroys the
body for
which Christ died. Let us seek to be fair and balanced, and remember we
brethren in Christ. “Beloved, let us love one another, for
love is from God,
and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God” (1
[Editor's Note: By balance, we mean biblical balance, not compromise of the Holy Truth. Further, while standing firm in the Holy Truth of God’s Word, there is neither reason nor biblical justification for being unnecessarily harsh and ugly; the Holy Truth is offensive enough without God’s children making it any more offensive by the way we present it. The word “balance” should not be repulsive to Christians when it represents applying the Word of God in such a way that leans not to the left and leans not to the right of biblical center. ~ Louis Rushmore]