Dennis Doughty
What doors will open for you in 2024? A new job opportunity perhaps? Or maybe the door will open to make that long awaited trip. Perhaps you will have the unexpected chance to scratch off another item on your bucket list. We all have improbable opportunities that present themselves in life. Some of these open doors can change our lives and even permit us to serve God.
When Paul was in Troas, he was preparing to go into Asia, but in a vision, he saw a man in Macedonia saying, “…Come over to Macedonia and help us” (Acts 16:9 NKJV). So, Paul traveled to Macedonia and went to Philippi. Paul later told the Corinthians that in Philippi “a door was opened to me by the Lord” (2 Corinthians 2:12). What door? First, he met Lydia during a prayer meeting down by the river and baptized her, along with all her household. Next, doors were really opened in the prison, which led to the conversion of the Roman jailer and his household (Acts 16).
God accomplishes His will by opening the doors of opportunity through which we can walk. We might call it providence, happenstance or just dumb luck. In truth, it is God working in our lives, directing us through the opportunities He presents to us. “Chance,” Anatole France said, “is the pseudonym of God when He did not want to sign.” How will God direct your life this year? What doors will He open for you? Are you ready to walk through those doors?