Betty Burton Choate
Summer is here! Gone are those ole bulky winter clothes and all those layers! The ultra freedom of summer clothes surrounds us again. This summer, women will go to the beach wearing bikinis or something even skimpier. Probably that same woman would never consider parading around on the beach wearing only a bra and thong-type underpants, but I ask, “What is the difference in the amount of body she would be revealing?” None! The only difference is in the fabric used to make the garments! It would be scandalous to go out in public dressed only in one’s underwear – wouldn’t it?
Leaving the beach scene of near-nudity, look at the offering for relaxed outings: the briefest of stretch pants, topped with a knit, spaghetti-strap shirt. Another possibility is a one-piece stretch top that will barely cover the torso – breast down to upper thighs. Oh, this blueprint is better; it’s a little longer, and at least it does have spaghetti straps! Then, there is the blue knit top, also with the spaghetti straps. Of course, the degree of immodesty is the choice of the wearer: will it be a top that is loose and exposes only the upper part of the body, or will it be three sizes too small so that it is stretched like a second skin? Then, there is a subdued choice: a black straight skirt. Should we wonder what folks will see when the wearer sits down or bends over? Another offering are shorts for the hot-natured woman. The manufacturer invested very little in the fabric, but, sadly, the price tag doesn’t reflect that savings.
With the lowering of all standards of honesty, integrity and modesty in the world, we know that the downhill spiral of morals for the general populace is likely to continue. There are reports that nudity is accepted in some public situations in Europe, as well as on TV. Since those countries seem to be the model we are following, we can accurately project what we will see on American streets in the near future.
What the world is doing is not nearly as alarming to me as the transformation that is taking place in the Lord’s church. Sometimes I am afraid to look up to see incoming attendees for worship because of what some of the women are wearing: short, tight skirts; spaghetti-strap dresses; see-through fabrics; low-cut tops that reveal cleavage. Some among us could walk out of the church buildings and blend harmoniously with the women of the world! Shame! Shame! Are there no sermons or Bible class studies anymore on modest apparel for Christian women? Are there no elders sincerely looking after the flock? Do the husbands and fathers of these women have no eyes? Does no one remember the connection between exposure of the physical body and the resulting lust in the hearts of the beholders?
“Politeness” may silence leaders and fellow-Christians in the church, but God loves us too deeply to be silent. What does He say?
The choice to wear clothing that will create lust in the eyes of those around us is wrong in itself; the resulting lust in the hearts of the beholders is sin on the part of the one who causes it as well as the one who is lusting. Lust can literally lead to immorality, infidelity, lies, abandoned children, broken homes and more. When Satan gets a toehold, he will continue to add to the temptation until – far too often – he succeeds in destroying the souls involved.
Mothers, please don’t train up your little girls to dress like the world. From the start, teach them modesty by the choices you make in their clothing.
Dear Christian sisters, please remember that the first death was God taking the life of animals to make modest clothing for Adam and Eve after they realized their nakedness. He cares what we wear! [A little observation: Besides their tragic decision to disobey God, Adam and Eve’s choice of clothing fabric – fig leaves – was quite an itchy one!]
[Editor’s Note: Especially the current fad of women wearing leggings without additional clothing over them is a little less defining of every part of the female form than complete nudity. One can’t imagine that the same women would have any inhibitions of parading around literally naked. Clothing originally served primarily two purposes: (1) to conceal the features of one’s body and (2) to protect a person from the weather. Immodest apparel today does neither! ~ Louis Rushmore, Editor]