A Hidden Treasure!
Rodney Nulph, Associate Editor
Have you ever found something that was worth a great sum? Stories surface now and then about “supposed” gold shipments that were lost and never recovered. A favorite pastime of many today is magnet fishing. A large, powerful magnet attached to a heavy-duty rope is thrown into the water (often from a bridge) and dragged across the bottom in hopes of finding a sunken treasure. Some claim to have found some interesting items. Discoveries sometimes include bolts, screws, canon balls, firearms and jewelry; even bikes and larger items have been discovered. It seems that many folks are searching for hidden treasures. Long before magnet fishing and lost gold, Jesus told the narrative of a truly hidden treasure. In the great kingdom parable chapter, Jesus related, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matthew 13:44 NKJV). The lessons taught in this short verse are valuable indeed!
Firstly, note the fortune, “Again the kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure…” This parable would certainly have attracted the attention of first century hearers because every village had its story of men who had become suddenly rich by finding some hidden hoard that had been hastily concealed in time of war or trouble. Fleshly minds place a high value on things that simply are not really valuable in the final analysis. We all are guilty of that at times. The fortunes of this world are not eternal and cannot really solve man’s greatest problems. However, the treasure of which Jesus spoke gives us purpose, peace and potential for eternal life. Paul’s inspired pen explained it like this: “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). The kingdom of Heaven is truly a fortune!
Secondly, note the fortitude, “…Hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” The fortitude and determination to buy this field came from the obvious value of what this man had found. He realized that nothing within his possession, neither money nor things, could compare to the treasure – representative of the kingdom of Heaven. It is invaluable because it is eternal. One day the blessed kingdom of Heaven will be delivered to God’s eternal throne room, and everything else will be destroyed (1 Corinthians 15:24; 2 Peter 3:10). Sadly, today, some disdain the kingdom of Heaven and view it as non-essential and optional. Some, even professing to be citizens of that kingdom, treat it as if it were some social club or civic organization. Yet Jesus shed His lifeblood for that same kingdom (Acts 20:28). The Purchaser of the kingdom also reminded that we must seek that kingdom above everything else (Matthew 6:33). What is the value of the eternal kingdom to you? How much would you be willing to give to be a part of God’s kingdom?
Thirdly, notice the feeling, “…and for joy over it…” This man was not forced or coerced to purchase the field that contained this treasure. It was a joyful and an awesome experience to even be able to have found such a treasure. Think for a moment about the joy that you would feel if you suddenly found something of inestimable value. Would your face be bright or burdened? The very reason many seek hidden treasures is for the joy and the happiness that comes from just the possibility of finding something valuable. I vividly remember a little boy, whose desire was to find a native American arrowhead. He searched, dug and laid bare any possible place where one may be found. His dream came true one day in the center of a small creek. There, lying in the sand bar, was the ancient artifact. Folks from several counties around could probably hear the joy that was in the young man’s voice as he discovered this treasure. Joy captivated him! To unearth the kingdom of God is an experience that should cause us joy and bliss. What feeling do you have over your discovery of God’s kingdom?
Life is filled with loads of seemingly valuable things. However, in the final analysis, only what is eternal really matters. To be a citizen in God’s kingdom is a treasure that some, sadly, never find. This treasure is available to all, and with the proper heart it can be found. This amazing treasure is the same treasure Jesus demanded that we share with others (Matthew 28:18-20). Have you found the hidden treasure? Have you shared that find with others? One future day, all that will matter is our response to finding this amazing treasure. Seek it, love it and joyfully claim citizenship in the kingdom of Heaven. There really is no greater hidden treasure!