Common Sense
By Donald R. Fox
Where has common sense gone? Yes, I am older now and because of my age I remember with fondness a time not too many years ago that common sense was common.
Common sense means that a person has sound practical judgment with synonyms such as good sense and horse sense. It’s sad that so many people have found their way into very important leadership positions, politically or otherwise, without a lick of sound practical judgment. A higher educational achievement does not mean one has common sense. A good education coupled with sound practical common sense is a great asset. “Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.” (C. E. Stowe)
is my personal view and judgment that many of our
elected politicians are void of common sense. When solutions to
problems are
available and they sidestep the solution because of an agenda, we ask
what has
happened to common sense. According to all reports, we have within the
boundaries of the
Two of my personal heroes of the WW2 era are Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) and Winston Churchill (1874-1965). What leaders and what strong personalities these men had! They understood their duties and with good sound, practical judgment accomplished their assigned responsibilities with great tenacity.
A scriptural application
to our lesson on common sense
is now appropriate. With the assault of secular humanism, political
gone to seed and the influence of the ACLU on our government to include
Supreme Court, we believe it is time for a return of common sense. On
currency here in the
It makes sense to believe in God. The Bible is a book of common sense. No other so called sacred book can stand with the Bible. Common sense calls for and requires the one true God, our Creator. The New Testament Book of Hebrews applies common sense to prove that God exists. “For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God” (Hebrews 3:4). “Now that makes sense. No house can build itself. Neither could the world accidentally have happened. To say that either could have created itself is monstrously unscientific and grossly nonsensical. Any created thing requires a creator. Every effect must have a cause. So science and sanity are on the side of God–the Creator, the First Cause” (Brownlow).
Works Cited
Brownlow, Leroy. God
the Bible and Common Sense.