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Gospel Gazette Online
Vol.  10  No. 12 December 2008  Page 7                    powered by FreeFind

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Christianity: Going the Extra Mile

By Tim Childs

Tim Childs

In our modern age of principally engaging in selfish interests, Christians must not neglect to revisit the theme pertaining to “the spirit of Christ” and adopt it on a far greater scale. Too many of us have forgotten what Jesus Christ is all about. We have allowed what is most important in the kingdom of heaven to lapse from our memories (cf. 1 Peter 4:1-2).

Examining the life of our Lord during his public ministry, we observe the life of a Man who truly loved to serve and bless His fellowman. Jesus did not come to be petted, pampered and waited upon. He did not come to amass an impressive treasury. However, the “Son of man” did come “to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). Jesus cared and continues to care about the well-being of people (just like you and me), not the least of which are the fulfilling of man’s spiritual needs. Are we following in His steps?

Reflect a moment upon a given day when Jesus, the pre-eminent spiritual leader of God’s people, entered the small town of Capernaum on the northern coast of the Sea of Galilee. There He was approached by a caring centurion who pleaded with Him on behalf of a personal servant who “…lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented” (Matthew 8:6). In Jesus’ typical spirit of willingness to go out of his way to bless, He kindly assured the officer: “I will come and heal him.”

You and I do not know the extent to which Jesus was offering to put Himself out, but apparently the military commander thought it was too great a sacrifice on Jesus’ part. The Roman centurion had both faith and insight to understand Jesus’ authority and power, and essentially insisted that Jesus not go to the trouble of travelling to the dwelling of the palsied man. Jesus announced He was quite impressed with the centurion’s tremendous faith and promptly healed the centurion’s servant without going to meet him.

In His famed address, Jesus taught us, His disciples, to go the second mile in our service. “And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him two” (Matthew 5:41). We can never bring honour to Him whose name we profess to wear when we attempt to cut corners and see just how little we can do to get by. Skimpy on service is not living like Jesus, the Christ.

A Word Between Friends    Tim Childs

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