Sad Bible Verse
Ernest S. Underwood
There are two
verses in the 8th chapter of Jeremiah
that tell us something about the condition of Judah
in that time period. In verse
5 the Lord asks: “Why then is this people of Jerusalem
slidden back by a perpetual
backsliding?” Verse 20 tells us of the condition of those of
whom Jeremiah
wrote. It states: “The harvest is past, The summer is ended,
And we are not
people had experienced the special love of God.
In the summer of God’s care for them they had on the whole
committed spiritual
adultery by worshiping other gods. When the time of harvest came they
bring nothing to the Lord of Harvest. Their terrible plight was that
they were
not saved, and the context of chapter 20 gives the reasons. As a result
their unfaithfulness and backsliding they were sent into captivity for
long years.
Today, God has given us His
wonderful and precious
Word. By learning, obeying, and living by that Word we can have our
remitted and have the hope of the eternal home. Yet, many, like the
Jews of
that day, are lost and seem so unconcerned. One day the summer will be
the time to obey (harvest) will pass; and many will awaken to the awful
realization that they are not saved, and will meet their Maker in this
condition. Are you saved—Saved according to the directions
found in God’s Word?
Before One Knows the Question
Ernest S. Underwood
you know someone who knows all the answers even
before he or she knows the question? If so, you are not alone. Solomon
evidently knew some. His comment about them can be found in Proverbs 18:13. He said,
“He who answers a matter
before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him.” One area
where this kind of
person can be found is religion. These folks know how one is saved
bothering to read and learn what God has said on the matter. They
“feel it in
their heart,” or some pastor or reverend has told them to
“just ask Jesus to
come into your heart right now,” and they know
the answer without examining the matter. Such, according to Solomon,
foolishly and shamefully. Men
worship the way that “makes them feel good,”
without any regard to what God has
said pleases Him. Some know the answer about God’s attitude
homosexuality without hearing God on the matter. You should read some
of the
“hate mail” I get on this when I show what the
Bible says. Surely, this is a
terrible and dark shame on a religion or a nation who so thinks and
acts. God
calls it foolishness, foolishness that damns the soul, and all of the
laws and
wicked decisions of men do not change or make void God’s law.
Where do you
stand in such matters? Do you know the answer before hearing God in His