Angels' Food
By Louis Rushmore, Editor
rained down manna on them to eat, And given them of the
bread of heaven.
to the occasion of God giving manna to the
Israelites in the wilderness appear in
Regarding manna being referred to as “angels’ food,” Barnes observes: “Food that came from heaven; food so directly and manifestly from heaven that it might be supposed to be the same kind that was eaten there, and that had now been sent down by a special miracle for man; food so delicate and so free from the ordinary coarse properties of food, that it might be supposed to be such as angels feed on” (emphasis added). “The manna is called ‘bread of angels’ …as being bread from heaven …the dwelling-place of angels” (Keil & Delitzsch).
The association of the
source of this manna being from
heaven rather than suggesting any knowledge of angels resorting to
themselves by eating something is meant; we have no information that
necessarily eat anything for their sustenance. To the contrary, the
references in the Bible of angels eating is when they were in human
form and
visited Abram (Genesis 18:1-8) and
addition, the word translated, “angels,” could be
and sometimes is translated differently elsewhere in Scripture,
referring to
mighty men (Judges 5:22;
Barnes, Albert. Barnes’
Notes. CD-ROM.
Keil &
Commentary on the Old Testament: New Updated Edition. CD-ROM.