Paul wrote to the Roman church and said, “Behold
therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell,
severity; but
toward thee goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou
shalt be cut off” (Romans 11:22). The context of this passage
is a warning
concerning that the brethren in Rome
needed to stay faithful or they would be cut off as were the Jews who
failed to
follow God. We must be balanced in our preaching.
Severity: There is indeed a time and a need for “Hellfire
and Brimstone” preaching. There is a time to clearly point
out the consequences
of disobedience, or simply a failure to obey God. A good portion of the
Testament is dedicated to that. Sadly, many have gone to a
“feel-good only”
preaching and teaching that ignores this very adamantly scriptural
fact: God
will punish those who “know not God and obey not the Gospel
of our Lord, Jesus
Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:8).
On the other hand, however, we must not become
unbalanced to the other side either. Paul calls the Romans to remember
GOODNESS and the severity of God. The first time that I remember
singing the
little song, “God Is Good” was in India,
and I heard it first in Telegu, the language of the state of Andrha
Pradesh in South India.
It has simple lyrics: God is good, God is
good, God is good, He’s so good to me (or sometimes a variety
of that).
Throughout history the gods of paganism have been presented as
hateful, uncaring deities who love to make life miserable for people.
The Greek
gods are a good example. I believe that the same is basically true of
the Hindu
gods. One of the great contrasts between those false gods and the God
of Heaven
is that the God of the Bible is a God of love (see 1 John). While
obedience, the true God is not “out to get” man. He
does not delight in the
troubles of humanity. He is truly good.
Christians can understand in their daily lives that God
is good. We have the struggles and problems that everyone has. However,
we also
have blessing beyond measure. It is very easy when things go bad to
“Why is God letting this happen to me?” The fact is
that sometimes I truly
wonder why God blesses us so much. We can be so stubborn, ungrateful
and just
plain “ornery.” We can blame Him for the bad and
never thank Him for the good.
We can become so lost in our own problems that we forget how much He
has truly
blessed us. A human would have given up long ago on all of humanity and
ahead and just burned us all up.
Yet, God loves us. He loves us with a pure love. God is
abundantly good. Even those who are not His enjoy certain blessings
from God,
because He loves us. “Every good and perfect gift”
comes from God, according to
James. If we made an honest list of things that are
“good” in our lives, and
things that are “bad,” I truly believe the good
would far outweigh the bad. It
is just that the bad gets all the publicity—it is the bad
upon which we
Tonight, when you lie down to go to sleep, “Count your
many blessings.” Tonight when you close out your day and
drift off into the
welcome relief of sleep, thank God for how good He is. Further,
yourself to “continuing in His goodness.” God is
good. Will you be good for