- Lesson #1: Beverage Alcohol (PowerPoint presentation with
free books and pens distributed to each family, 45 min.)
- Lesson #2: Bible Archaeology (PowerPoint presentation, 30
- Lesson #3: Bible Maps (at the start of the evening worship
for children two-years-old and upward, 15 min.)
- Lesson #4: World Evangelism (PowerPoint presentation, 30
The lesson on Beverage Alcohol encourages Christians and
non-Christians alike to avoid the real physical and spiritual perils of
treating alcoholic drinks as though they were the same as other forms of
refreshment. Ample evidence makes the case for complete abstinence from
historical, medical and biblical perspectives.
Bible Archaeology builds up one’s faith by demonstrating
that archaeological evidence corresponds to the biblical account, as well as
sometimes corrects the secular historical record. Hence, Bible Archaeology
shows the Bible to be completely reliable.
The Bible Maps class for children, by the use of funny names
as well as the real names quickly and effectively teaches children (and adults
who observe) the principle points of interest around the Bible world. Parents
are always amazed at how well their children, even the littlest ones, easily
grasp information that will fill out and make more meaningful future Bible
World Evangelism brings to mind valuable information about
evangelism in general as well as the specific, worldwide program of evangelism
to which the Rushmores have dedicated the balance of their lives.
Book displays also provide valuable resources for the church
library and Christian homes alike. Further, free copies of Voice of Truth
International will be provided the congregation.
Louis Rushmore, 705 Devine St., Winona, MS 38967