The Holy Scriptures give us insight into the lives of
certain men, women and young people whose hearts were filled with
faith. In our generation, when we read and meditate upon the Bible
text, we are
able to discern the significance of faith in action and how it leads to
Father’s good pleasure.
Unlike others
whose minds were burdened with unbelief, these men and women lived
in walking with God by faith (cf. 2
Corinthians 5:7).
In his epistle, John writes, “…and this is the
victory that overcometh the
world, even our faith” (1 John
Contrary to thoughts of the worldly mind, a man or
woman of faith is not someone who has swallowed a “gullible
pill.” An
individual driven by faith is not one who has chosen to wear blinders
and is
willing to make a supposed “leap in the dark”
unaware of where his landing might
The first couple was defeated in the Garden of Eden as
they allowed Satan to undermine their faith in God. Satan wanted Adam
and Eve to
question whether God truly had their best interest at heart in his
them to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (cf. Genesis 3:5). A stronger
faith on their part would
have empowered them against the temptation to succumb. Unbelief and
are favorite tools Satan continues to employ to wield victory over the
weak and
Hebrews Chapter 11 gives us some of the more notable
examples of men and women who were embraced by God and received
testimony of
his favor. God was
well pleased with
them since they exemplified faith in their lives even in the face of
opposition. You and I, too, can equally be pleasing to God by
exhibiting our
faith in this world of darkness and skepticism.
In our world, there are things that are presently seen,
and things that are unseen. Paul teaches the Corinthian brethren to put
focus on the things that are unseen as they are eternal (2 Corinthians
In one sense in which “faith” is used, it relates
to the confidence we have in
those things we cannot presently see with our eyes whether having
occurred in
the past (such as the Creation) or to occur in the future (for
instance, the Judgment
and dispensing of rewards, etc.).
God has spoken to man (Hebrews 1:1-2). He has revealed
many truths within the pages of Scripture to both govern our lives and
us forward on our pilgrimage in hope. Faith is built upon the
foundation of knowing
that God is always truthful, has our best interest at heart, and will
keep his
word. Since God has not, will not and
cannot lie (Titus 1:2), we are as certain (if not more so) of the
things we
cannot presently see, as we are about the things we do see.
Let’s walk with God!
[This article, especially these last two sentences, exemplifies the
writing by Tim Childs as well as a most pertinent application to
living. We have come to expect no less from brother Childs. ~ Louis