We affirm that the Bible is not a science textbook, yet
every time the Bible speaks of that which is scientific, what it says
scientifically accurate. There are many who would have us believe that
cannot accept the truth of the Bible and the truth of science at the
same time,
because the two are in tension one with the other. Such is not only not the case, but it is
ridiculous! There are so many evidences of the scientific accuracy of
the Bible
that in an article as brief as this one we can mention only two, at
In the 1930’s, American medical scientists learned that
human blood is all the same when properly typed and cross-matched. They
it is different from animal blood, and there can be no such thing as
transfusion without death resulting for the recipient of animal blood,
and vice
versa. That was hailed as one of the great scientific discoveries of
the 20th
Century, and indeed it was! However, two-thousand years before this
was done and these important facts were known, the apostle Paul,
speaking to a
group of Athenian philosophers on Mars Hill in Athens said,
“And He has made from one blood
every nation of
men to dwell on all the face of the earth…”
(Acts 17:26a NKJV). Since, in
Paul’s day it was unknown
that every nation of men has but one blood, how does one explain his
this scientific fact? There can be only one reasonable explanation, and
it is
that God revealed this truth to him. Furthermore, if men had read their
more carefully, they would have known, long before they did, that they
investigate human blood to see how it differed from one human to
another, and
from the blood of animals. Incidentally, the sameness of blood also
demonstrates that in reality there is one race of people on earth, the
race! We may be different colors, speak different languages, dress
eat different food, major on different concepts philosophically and
religiously, but we are of one blood, so we are of one race. If not,
why not?
While on this subject, we point out the Bible never categorizes men
to race, only according to nationality.
In the 1840’s, a myth materialized that the Bible
teaches that the earth is flat. The Bible teaches no such thing. As a
matter of
fact, it teaches the very opposite! Two thousand seven hundred and
fifty years
ago, God inspired the great prophet Isaiah to write,
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has
it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from
foundations of the earth? It is He who sits above the circle of the
earth, And
its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens
like a
curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in”
40:21‑22 NKJV).
The word translated “circle” in this passage comes
from a Hebrew word that
means, “circle, circuit, or sphere.” Hence, the
Bible has always been
scientifically correct regarding the shape of the planet on which we
live. It never
taught that it is flat! Someone
might ask, “But what about Galileo, and the medieval
church?” To this question
we merely reply, “Do not blame the theology of the medieval
church on the
Bible!” What the church in any age has taught, and what the
Bible teaches, is
often two different matters completely.
These very brief
examples are but two of dozens, if not
hundreds, that could be called to our attention to demonstrate that the
is scientifically accurate in all the facts of science presented within
pages. There is no conflict between true science and the Bible. There
may be
conflicts between false theories of science and the Bible, and that is
fault of false science, but there is no conflict between what is truly
known to
be scientific and God’s revealed book—the Bible,
nor will there ever be! Do not
allow any false scientist, such as an evolutionist, to foist the ideas
that the
Bible is unscientific upon you. They are unscientific, not the Bible.