A Word Between Friends
By Tim Childs
Page OneWhat Are We Ashamed Of? Luke 9:26By Tim Childs
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we believe the Bible
is an infallible work whose author is God, and that it represents
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we are
Bible-believing people?
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we believe in the
miracles recorded in the Bible?
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we believe God meant what He said when he gave us commands recorded in the Bible?
| Table of Contents Louis Rushmore, Editor Rodney
Nulph, Associate Editor Paul Mobley, proofreader
A Moment of Reflection By Ernest S.
Underwood A Word Between Friends (MP3) By Tim
Childs Crossword Puzzle By Bonnie
Rushmore Priscilla's Page By Marilyn LaStrape Since You Asked By Louis
Rushmore Wisdom's Corner (Youth
Page) By Mark McWhorter Free
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- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we believe that Jesus
died and rose again for our justification?
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we believe Jesus’
teaching about His kingdom and the terms
entrance He has given?
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we believe Jesus has
only one spiritual body—one family of
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we profess
Christianity with Jesus as the only Lord and Savior?
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we are God’s people,
and we’re heaven-bound?
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we believe Jesus is
coming again to receive His own?
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we believe in a place
of heavenly reward for the righteous?
- Are we ashamed of
others knowing we believe in the
Bible doctrine of hell, and that it is a place of punishment for the
Christians, we believe these things because
they are amply and often taught in the in the Word of God. As
Christians, then,
we ought to believe these things—and more, and we ought not
be ashamed to admit
the same (Matthew 10:32-33; Romans
~ Editor] |
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